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You got that all straight?" "Y-y-yes, sir," said Peter. Section 8 There was once, so legend declares, a darky who said that he liked to stub his toe because it felt so good when it stopped hurting. On this same principle Peter had a happy time in the hospital of the American City jail. He had a comfortable bed, and plenty to eat, and absolutely nothing to do.

"I don't know how I know," said Jerry, "but I know el'funts have little tails like a rope." "Have you ever been to a circus?" asked Chris. "Not that I remember." "Have you ever seen a el'funt?" pursued Danny. "N-n-no, but it kind of seems as if I almost had." "I guess you'd know if you had seen a el'funt, wouldn't you?" "Y-y-yes," responded Jerry doubtfully.

"Six pounds of sago, six tins of curry-powder, y-y-yes, six jars of honey, certainly, six tins of tongue, six tins of asparagus, six pounds of pepper, six clothes pegs. Bacon? Any favourite brand?" "Well, all I'm particular about," said Hugh, with a twinkle in his eye, "is that it shall be prime middle cut and elevenpence a pound."

Miller was highly connected, and it is believed had papers in her possession of vital importance to the living. These were contained in a small casket of costly and curious workmanship. This casket, with its contents, must be produced. Can you produce them?" "Y-y-yes!" the alarmed creature stammered out. "Very well. Produce them at once, if you wish to save yourself a world of trouble."

"Y-y-yes," said Jehosophat. "Y-y-yes," said Marmaduke. "Y-y-yeth," lisped Hepzebiah. "Thank you, my dears," she said, then went away, leaving the door unlocked. For two whole weeks they hadn't peeked. They had hung around that closet and stared and sighed, but never once did they even try the door.

Leffingwell?" he asked. "No, I don't want no Timmons. I want Mr. Leffingwell." Jim smiled wickedly into the receiver. "Well, say, young feller, I'm surprised you don't know me. This is J. P. Morgan speaking'. I want sell Huh? Oh, y-y-yes, Sir. Why, yes, sir, Mr. Leffingwell. I thought I was talking to some fresh guy on the phone. Excuse me, Sir! Yes, sir! I have news for you.

Now, modern warfare has taught us that the most effective assailant of the monoplane is a biplane. You know that." "Y-y-yes," said the girl doubtfully. "Therefore, if we can breed a biplane dragonfly in sufficient numbers, we might solve the mosquito problem at small expense." "I don't know much about science," she began, "but I should hardly have supposed "

"Witness, on your oath, answer; were you at any time in the evening or night before you departed from this, Our Square, leaving us desolate were you, I say, abroad in the park? "Y-y-yes, your Honor." "In the immediate vicinity of this bench?" "Benches are very alike in the dark." "But occupants of them are not. Don't fence with the court.

"And he hired you to carry that suit-case with the bombs in it, didn't he?" "Yes, he hired me." "And he told you what was in it, didn't he?" "He he that is I dunno." "You don't know whether he told you?" "Y-y-yes, he told me." "You knew all about the plot, didn't you?" "Y-y-yes, I knew." "And you know Isaacs, the Jew?" "Y-y-yes, I know him." "He was the fellow that drove the jitney, wasn't he?"

"You won't be ashamed of yourself," prophesied the other, "if you do just as I say, quickly and naturally." "Oh, naturally," retorted the girl in an indignant whimper. "I suppose you think that's natural. Anyway, he probably doesn't care about me at all that way." "Roberta," said the sculptress sternly, "did you see his portrait of you?" "Y-y-yes."