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"Y-y-yes, sir." "And you'll stand by it? You'll not try to back out? You don't want to go back into the hole?" "No, sir." And suddenly Guffey pulled from his pocket a paper folded up. It was several typewritten sheets. "Peter Gudge," he said, "I been looking up your record, and I've found out what you did in this case. You'll see when you read how perfectly I've got it.

Plain storekeepers to be postmasters; postmasters to be Senators; Senators to be Presidents; and and hired men to be constables. Can't they?" "Y-y-yes. Why?" Katharine sat upright so suddenly that her hat rolled over and the eggs spilled from it. However, the hay was soft, and no harm was done, nor was her enthusiasm cooled by a trifle of that sort.

"Hear 'em?" "Y-y-yes. What the d-d-deuce and all " "Knew you'd wonder what it was " "W-w-wonder?" chittered the Doctor. "It's only the wind in the cave at the corner below here " "Ah! Thought it must be something of that kind," said the Doctor through his teeth, clenched hard to keep them in order. "Don't wonder folks fight shy of the Coupée. Sounded uncommonly like spirits.

"May Carey."... "Pesin', sair." "Rose Cooper."... "Yes, sir." "Janet Wild."... "Y-y-yes, s-sir." "Mary Wild."... A solemn hush fell upon the school, and presently Janet Wild threw her arms out on the desk before her, let her face fall on them, and sobbed heart-brokenly.

"You know better than I do. I'm not advising you. Where is your home? Why don't you go there? You have one somewhere, I suppose, haven't you?" "Y-yes; I had." "Well where is it?" "In Philadelphia." "Couldn't you stand it?" he inquired with a sneer. "No." She covered her face with her hands. "Trouble?" "Y-yes." "Man?" "Y-y-yes." "Won't they take you back?" "I haven't written." "Write.

Captain Cartwright, do you deny that Captain Prescott did no more than to parry your blows and thrust you back off your balance?" "That was all he did, sir." "And you made two distinct efforts to hit him?" "Y-y-yes, sir." "Was anything said that, in your opinion, justified you in attempting to strike a brother officer?"

"T-T-THERE'S SOMEONE IN THERE!" was the startling reply from the recumbent scientist. "Someone in there?" Frank echoed the exclamation in amazed tones. "Y-y-yes," stammered the scared professor, "he's sitting at a table."

"Y-y-yes, s-s-sir." His lip quivered like the lemon jelly in the spoon, that time he was so sick. If he had fallen from that shoulder, he would have dropped as far as if he had been thrown from the top gilt pinnacle of the Woolworth Building.

She flung her arms round Anne's knees, as if clinging for protection against the pursuing vision of her sin. "Hush, hush, darling," said Anne. "Perhaps daddy didn't mind." But Peggy howled in agony. "Y-y-yes, he did. I hurted him, I hurted him. He minded ever so." "My little one," said Anne, "my little one!" and clung to her and comforted her.

"Now tell us what luck you had, Max," Steve asked, as he broke open a fresh paper package of crackers, and appropriated a generous portion of cheese. "Y-y-yes, that's the t-t-ticket!" exclaimed Toby. "I did promise, didn't I?" Max started out to say; "and it's time I kept my word. You know the idea wasn't mine at all, but came from Owen here, who had been reading up on the subject.