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sang the shrill voices of the choir-boys, echoed by Regie and Mary, standing together, holding their joint hymnbook exactly equally between them, their two small thumbs touching. Fräulein, on Hester's other side, was singing with her whole soul, accompanied by a pendulous movement of the body: "Cover my defenceless 'ead, Wiz ze sadow of Zy wing." Mr.

For a few seconds nothing was heard but quick, short breaths on all sides. Presently Hallett's voice, hoarse and low, asked: "What does it mean, Brady?" Jack, white to the lips, pointed from the Hare to Armitage, then to the spot where he had found him. The Hare was shivering and sobbing. "Hallett I hear you say knifes war wiz knifes! I on'y go to ze Toppeen-drowner.

He know so much, that make him able for the bad, see, like for the good. Yes! Sometime, he steal the sugar; sometime he come in when we make music, and make wiz us yells, and spoil the music; sometime he make the horreebl' faces at the poppies and make scream them with fear." "Kin poppies scream?" asked Petie, opening great eyes of wonder. "My! ourn can't.

"You don't mean they'll take you like they took the people from Belgium, do you?" he asked. "Ziss is worse zan Belgium," Florette sobbed. "Zere ze people can escape to England." "Where would they send you?" Tom asked. "Maybe far north into Prussia. Maybe still in Alsace. All ze familees zey will separate so zey shall meex wiz ze Zhermans." Florette suddenly grasped his hand. "I am glad I see you.

What is it I'm to do for you?" She blushed and laughed at the same time. Her hand came from behind her back. In it was a letter. "But I do mean it, every word of it." "That's to be my pay for giving Master Sam his billy doo, is it?" "How did you guess? It is a letter to Sam." "How did I guess it? Shows I'm sure a wiz, don't it?" She saw her father coming and handed him the letter quickly. "Here.

Well see now that you have been here a few days perhaps it is time for you to find a place to live and I have talked wiz a friend of mine, a ver' good friend who 'as lived for many years in a 'ouse where 'e says there is a room that will just do for you cheap, pleasant people ... yes? To-morrow 'e will show you the place. There you will 'ave friends " Peter smiled, thanked Mr.

"There's something sweet and touching in this melancholy music, I like it, Mr. Gusher," she said, pausing and looking up in his face tantalizingly; "don't you?" Mr. Gusher shook his head disapprovingly, and shrugged his shoulders. "No, no, miz; I nevare like ze funeral music. I go to ze funeral of my friend wiz music like zat." "I am very sorry to hear you say so, Mr. Gusher.

Nothing of the kind. After a hearty lunch he rose and said firmly: "I'm going to blay wiz Bollyooly." He went. The baron followed him gloomily. Now he knew the cosmic all to be a mere time-honored cheat. In this order they came down on to the beach and approached a group of children in which Pollyooly reigned.

Bruno said with a slight yawn. "I don't like eating worms, one bit. I always stop in bed till the early bird has picked them up!" "I wonder you've the face to tell me such fibs!" cried the Gardener. To which Bruno wisely replied "Oo don't want a face to tell fibs wiz only a mouf." Sylvie discreetly changed the subject. "And did you plant all these flowers?" she said.

"I speak no more wiz ze Dumbles. Old man Dumble ees a fraud. Moi, I abominate frauds hein? He obtain my money onder false pretences, is it not so? Ah, yes; but I forgive 'im, because he is poor. But also, since you go, he obtain my secret I haf a secret under false pretences. Oh, ze canaille! I tell 'im that if 'e were my equal I would wiz my sword s-spit 'im. Because 'e is canaille I s-s-spit at 'im. Voil