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"I understand," said Tom. "Yess," said Frenchy with great satisfaction. "Zat is how eet is you will understand. My pappa cannot go. Zis is hees home. So he stay stay under ze Zhermans. Ah! For everything, everything, we must pay ze tax. Five hundred soldiers, zey keep, always in zis little village and only seven hundred people. Ziss is ze way. Ugh! Even ze name zey change Dundgart! Ugh!"

You will know ze person who wears ze button is French man, woman, peasant, child. Ze Zhermans do not know. Zey are fine spies, fine sneaks! But zis zey do not know. You see?" "Ze iron cross you know zat?" "I've heard about it," said Tom. "Zat means murder, savagery, death! Zis little button means friendship, help. Ze Zhermans do not know. You take this for what you call lucky piece?"

"I will tell you," said Frenchy, reverting to Tom's previous question. "I am zhust ze same age as you sefenteen when zey throw my seester in ze zhail because she sing ze Marsellaise. Zat I cannot stand! You see? When ze soldiers fat Zhermans, ugh! When zey come for her, I strike zis fat one here so." "I'm glad you did," said Tom. "Hees eye I cut open, so.

It must be a long time since you saw your people." "Saw! Even I haf' not heard for t'ree year. Eight years ago I fled away. Even before America is in ze war I haf' no letters. Ze Zhermans tear zem up! Ah, no matter. When it is all over and ze boundary line is back at ze Rhine again zen I will see zem. My pappa, my moother, my seester Florette " His eyes glistened and he paused.

"You don't mean they'll take you like they took the people from Belgium, do you?" he asked. "Ziss is worse zan Belgium," Florette sobbed. "Zere ze people can escape to England." "Where would they send you?" Tom asked. "Maybe far north into Prussia. Maybe still in Alsace. All ze familees zey will separate so zey shall meex wiz ze Zhermans." Florette suddenly grasped his hand. "I am glad I see you.