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Them violets are just too awful wild. Dangerous. Yeah. Catch yore death." "You idjit! You plumb fool! Can't you let well enough alone? Ain't you satisfied till yo're ticklin' the mule's hind leg? If yo're crowded, hop to it. Make 'em hard to find. But why go a-huntin' trouble? Whatsa sense? What " "Always get the jump on trouble, Swing. Always.

"No. I live in a hotel." "Well, what hotel?" "Oh, I tell you I don't remember," said Oliver vaguely. "A big one with a lot of electric lights." The policeman's face became suddenly very red. "Well, you move on, buddy!" he said in a tone of hoarse displeasure. "You move right on! You don't come around me with any of your funny cracks I know whatsa matter with you, all right, all right.

But I ain't none shore he does. Looks like it was a even break to me the word of you and Luke against his and Swing's. And what's fairer than that I'd like to know?" "Alicran!" squalled Lanpher. "I'm telling you to " "Yo're all worked up, that's whatsa matter," Alicran assured him. "You don't mean more'n half you say.

"When it's after the draw," he said, "and you ain't got a thing in yore hand, and the other gents have everything and know they have everything to yore nothing, she's poor poker to make a bluff. Whatsa use, sport, whatsa use?" "I dunno what yo're talkin' about," persisted Bull. "Aw right, let it go at that. Who put you up to bushwhack me?" "Nun-nobody," hesitated Bull. "Yore own idea, huh?"

The country's played out, that's whatsa matter. Law and order, law and order, till a feller can't turn round no more without fallin' into jail." "She's one lucky thing for you, cowboy," said Racey, seriously, "that Kansas did come. Three of 'em! You had yore gall. Lookit here, next time you let 'em talk. Names don't hurt less they're said to a feller's face."

"You need me to do anything you ain't got the nerve to do." "I got my duty to my company," Lanpher bluffed lamely. "Duty bedam. You ain't got the guts for a tough job, that's whatsa matter." This was rubbing it in. Lanpher plucked at the loose strings of his courage, and managed to draw out a faintly responsive twang. "I'll show you whether I got guts " he began. "Oh, look," said Alicran.

Thus Bull, stubbornly. "I ain't aimin' to make money out of Harpe. What I'm figuring to make out of him is somethin' else again." "Whatsa use of lying thataway? Don't " "That'll be about all," interrupted Racey. "You've called me a liar enough for one night. I ain't got all kinds of patience. You going to tell me what I want to know?" "No, I ain't." "Yo're mistaken.

You got a memory like all outdoors. Swing. It plumb amazes me how clear and straight you keep everything in that head of yores. Yep, it shore does." Hereupon, in the most unconcerned manner, Racey Dawson began to blow smoke rings toward the ceiling. Swing Tunstall sank sulkily down upon an elbow. "Whatsa use?" said Swing Tunstall. "Whatsa use?"

Whyre you holding him out on me?" "Scientists don't like to be disturbed in their researches," I temporized. "No more does a man in a whorehouse," he retorted vulgarly. "Story's no good without him." That was what I thought and I'm afraid my satisfaction appeared on my face. "Now leely man no try a hold up da press. Whatsa matter, you aready had da beer and da roasta bif sanawich?"

"That will save me a lot of trouble," said Marie, turning her bewildered mount a second time. "She ain't ridin' straight toward Farewell," said Tom Loudon, rolling a slow cigarette. "Aw, she's sensible," yawned Mr. Saltoun. "She'll do like Racey says all right. She must like him a lot. I Whatsa matter with you?" For Tom Loudon had contrived to make a long leg and give Mr.