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There were shades of tone even to impetuosity, and this one lacked the note his ear was listening for. None the less, he told himself, a wise man would have stopped right there; and he was conscious of his folly in persisting, while he still persisted. "That's for you to decide, of course. Only if we go on, it must be understood that we've somewhat shifted our ground." "I haven't shifted mine."

Denis moved to the other side of the narrow path, hoping to escape unobserved. The light was too strong. "My young friend," she cried in quite a hoarse and altered tone of voice, "we should know each other! We've had the pleasure haven't we? Been down to the sea, have you? And what are the wild waves saying?" Denis stood there, petrified with disgust. Was it possible?

In his quality of miller everybody knew him, and he had the authority of a public character. Now he said: "We want to hear something more than a snort and a shout from our brother here. We heard them Friday night, and we've been talkin' about it ever since." The appeal was half joking, half entreating. The minister was still hesitating on the pulpit stairs, and he looked at the stranger.

They all waited, listening with ears turned to different points, eyes roving everywhere, afraid of their very shadows. Once more the moan of wind, the mockery of brook, deep gurgle, laugh and babble, dominated the silence of the glen. "Boss, let's shake this spooky hole," whispered Moze. The suggestion attracted Anson, and he pondered it while slowly shaking his head. "We've only three hosses.

"Oh, but we've just been Henrietta's guests," she said, with a pretty mingling of appeal and rebuke "and it seems hardly kind, does it, to find faults in her. She has been beautifully good to me all this time, ending up with this dance which she gave on purpose to please me." "And herself also," Carteret returned.

"Never saw such a lazy lot," said he, lying flat on his back and balancing his racquet on his finger; "you won't do anything yourselves and you won't let any one else do anything. Regular dogs in the manger." "My dear fellow," said the fourth of the party in a half drawl, "we've been doing nothing but invite you in to the manger for the last hour, and you wouldn't come.

And don't you never forget that you are the apple-core of your Mother Mayberry's heart and she's a-going to hold you to her tender, even unto them Glory days we've been a-planning for, with Death here in the midst of Life."

Prince seemed to have run in and run out again, though the circus folk and others on the outside of the tent, on being questioned, said they had seen nothing of the beast. "Well, we've got to find him, that's all," decided Jim, "and before dark if we can. Get a crowd of men, Bogardi, and start out and see what you can do."

It's only a new variety of the hocus-pocus that's been imposing on human weakness ever since the world began. I'd sooner believe with poor Milly that she's possessed by a devil. It's less silly to accept inherited superstitions than to invent brand-new ones." "But we've got to account somehow for the extraordinary changes which take place in Milly," sighed Ian, wearily.

"The only logical inference from what we've been saying is that it hasn't. But I don't ask you to accept it on that account. May I read now, my dear?" "Yes, you may read now," said Mrs. Corey, with one of those sighs which perhaps express a feminine sense of the unsatisfactoriness of husbands in general, rather than a personal discontent with her own.