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Updated: August 23, 2024

Advised them to keep their hospital clear for an emergency. Action reported on Dvina and hospital captured; later retaken. Slight action every day or so at Ust Padenga. Lieut. Powers caring for all civilians in and around that place. Visited one home where I found the father sick and in adjoining room the corpse of his wife and two children.

I must allegore and meditate on 'em jest as they come, and truly a-thinkin' on these picters, I feel as Hosey Bigelow ust to say: "I can't tell what's comin' gall or honey." But some of them picters and statutes made perfect dents in my memory, and can't be smoothed out agin nohow. There wuz one little figger jest at the entrance where we went in, "The Young Acrobat," that impressed me dretfully.

"I see you don't plow the hills as we used to. And reap'. What a job it ust to be. It makes the hills more beautiful to have them covered with smooth grass and cattle." There was only dead silence to this touching upon the idea of beauty. "I s'pose it pays reasonably." "Not enough to kill," said one of the younger men. "You c'n see that by the houses we live in-that is, most of us.

"I ain't so well acquainted with the devil as I ust to be," he said. "I ust to know him reel well; ust to think about him when I was out sailin' figger how to get ahead of him. But late years I'd kind o' forgot He's livin' still, is he?" The artist laughed quietly. "They say so some of them." Uncle William's smile grew wider and sweeter. "Well, let him live. Poor old thing!

Three hundred and more of the ludicrous two-wheeled Russian carts preceded us with the artillery, floundering, miring, and slipping in the sticky, muddy roads. Following at their rear, came the tired, worn and exhausted troops unshaven, unkempt and with tattered clothing. They were indeed a pitiful sight. All that day they marched steadily on toward Ust Padenga.

The matter was talked over for the best part of an hour, and it was decided to begin the hunt for the Landslide Mine on the following morning. "There ain't no ust bein' in too much o' a hurry," said Mr. Dillon. "That mine ain't goin' to walk away, and Abe Blower an' those with him ain't goin' to find it right plumb to onct, believe me!

The story was a terrible one, but he told it quietly, seated with his elbows on his knees, gazing most of the time at the hearth. "I didn't like the looks of the country, anyhow," Haskins said, partly rising and glancing at his wife. "I was ust t' northern Ingyannie, where we have lots o' timber 'n' lots o' rain, 'n' I didn't like the looks o' that dry prairie.

I don't spunk up like I ust to. No, he didn't go to Peterson's he's gawn right on. My land! I wonder 'f it ain't old gran'ma Eliot: she had a bad spell no, he didn't turn that corner. I can't think where he's goin' to!" She sat down with a sigh of defeat. A smile glimmered palely across Emarine's face and was gone. "Maybe if you'd go up in the antic you could see better," she suggested, dryly.

"Course not, not lyin'; manatee's all right, only you ain't much ust to 'em and it may be bigger'n you think, 'nd I'd hate to make th' box too little." The lumber was taken on board, the canoe unloaded and laid on the deck of the sloop, the sails reefed and with her skiff drawn close up under her stern the craft was soon flying down the coast.

CORP. ROBERT M. PRATT, "M" Co., 339th Inf., for gallantry in action, October 17th, 1918, Verst 445, near Emtsa, Russia. PVT. VICTOR STIER, "A" Co., 339th Inf., for gallantry in action, January 19th, 1919, Ust Padenga, Russia. PVT. LAWRENCE B. KILROY, 337th Ambulance Company, for gallantry in action, Kodish, Russia.

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