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She listened to his retreating footsteps, and then began, automatically to unbutton her thin white blouse. But with the sound of the engine of his car below she ran to the window. She leaned out, elbows on the sill, and watched him go, without a look up at her window. So that was the end of that! Then, all at once, she was fiercely angry. He had got her into this scrape, and now he had left her.

The easiest way is to float on the back and remove the coat, taking out one arm at a time, using the legs as in the Dalton stroke; next remove the vest, still lying on the back; then unbutton the trousers and pull the right leg down with the left hand. To remove the left leg, use the left hand and kick out with the right leg.

He now proceeded to unbutton his fetish, to attack it with a penknife, and to thrust the new-found plans between the two layers of imitation Saxony flannel of which it was made. Then with the help of Mr.

"Bring some water," she said to Isabelle, and began to unbutton the torn sweater. Conny, with one look at the white face and closed eyes, went softly out into the hall and sat down. "Will you telephone to Dr. W. S. Rogers in New York, and ask him to send some one if he can't come himself?" Margaret asked the stranger, who was helping her with the boy's clothes.

"Then we'll postpone the walk till to-morrow," said Barbara, decisively. "Not me! I'm going to the cliffs if I walk bare-footed. In fact, I'm not so sure but that will be the most delightful thing to do," said Eleanor, sitting down to unbutton her high-heeled shoes. "Nolla! Stop disgracing us so!" cried Barbara, shocked. "Well, I want to see those cliffs at close range.

"I am very thankful to you, and shall take good care of it," replied Tom. "Where are you going to carry it?" "In my inside coat pocket; then I will button my coat over it." "That's right; and don't unbutton the coat till you reach your own home." The money was put away as Tom indicated, and, thanking his kind friend again, Tom bade him good-by and withdrew.

Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence, and missed a trick. Then she had a new inspiration: "Tom, you didn't have to undo your shirt collar where I sewed it, to pump on your head, did you? Unbutton your jacket!" The trouble vanished out of Tom's face. He opened his jacket. His shirt collar was securely sewed. "Bother! Well, go 'long with you.

"I haven't got time to dicker name your price." "It's worth eight hundred," said Henry, too much dazed to ask more than its value. "Shut that door," said Mr. Bloom to the lawyer. Then he tore off his coat and vest, and began to unbutton his shirt. "Wanter fight about it, do yer?" said Henry Williams, jumping up and cracking his heels together twice. "All right, hunky sail in and cut yer capers."

Eight seconds would amply cover the time it occupied maybe even five would do it. We only had time to plunge at a curtain and unbuckle and unbutton part of it in an awkward and hindering flurry, when our whip cracked sharply overhead, and we went rumbling and thundering away, down a mountain "grade." We fed on that mystery the rest of the night what was left of it, for it was waning fast.

Crow explained what a fix he was in, and asked Fatty to unbutton his coat for him, Fatty stepped up to him at once. But he didn't try to unbutton the coat. He sniffed at the buttons, while his face wore a puzzled look. And then he began to smile. "I'll tell you what I'll do!" Fatty said. "If you'll give me these buttons, I'll take them off for you.