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Updated: August 16, 2024

But just among the four of us I think we can figure that if it hadn't been for us they couldn't have made it!" Haney grinned slowly at Joe. The Chief regarded him with irony. Mike said, "Yeah. Haney, and me, and the Chief. We did it all." "Uh-huh," said the Chief sardonically. "Us three. Just us three. Joe didn't do anything. Just a bum, he is.

Beyond that, deponent sayeth not, as the legal boys say." "Uh-huh. And why are they not flying saucers?" "For the same reason they're not aircraft. If you recall all the talks with people who've seen them, they don't maneuver, and they don't travel very fast. They appear or they're noticed, let's say and they just get smaller and smaller until they vanish. They move, but not much." Rick nodded.

"So there've been more of those investigations I don't know about!" she observed, her voice taking on an edge. "Uh-huh," the Commissioner said cautiously. "How many?" "Seven." Trigger flushed, straightened up, eyes blazing, and pronounced a very unladylike word. "Excuse me," she added a moment later. "I got carried away." "Perfectly all right," said the Commissioner.

For the first time the little girl spoke, in a thin, piping voice, "Skinny an' Chuck, they said yer give 'em cookies. Didn't they, Bobby?" "Uh-huh," agreed Bobby, hopefully. The man in the wheel chair laughed. "If you go into the house and look in the bottom part of that cupboard near the kitchen door you will find a big jar and " But Bobby and Maggie had disappeared.

With a great show of indifference the boy drew near and stretched himself on the floor on the other side of the old basket maker's chair. "Well, this beautiful princess in the story, perhaps because she was so beautiful herself, loved more than anything else in all the world to have lots and lots of jewels. You know what jewels are, don't you?" "Uh-huh, the princess lady she has 'em heaps of 'em.

He seemed quite disturbed, and every now and then wiped his brow, while the doctor listened with an occasional question or gently accented "uh-huh, uh-huh," until the story was all told and the advice ready to be received. When this was given in a low, reassuring tone, he took from his pocket his little book of blanks and wrote out a prescription, which he gave to the man and began talking again.

"Coming along in fine shape." "I didn't know whether you'd be able to answer that there telegram of mine in person, and if you was able, I didn't know whether you would." "Look here, Hiram," said Clancy, "didn't I tell you I'd help you find your father if you'd keep mum about what Lafe Wynn did?" "Uh-huh." "Well, I always try to pay my debts." "Got any trace o' Gerald Wynn, Burton, and Katz yet?"

"What you need," he spoke, "is a good drink and some fat street woman to shake you out of it. You look kind of tied up." "I am," grinned Dorn. "Wound up and ready to bust." Lockwood nodded his head slowly. "Uh-huh," he said, as if turning the matter over carefully in his thought. "Why don't you buy a new hat like I do when I get feeling sort of upside down?

"I reckon I'll do my best," she agreed reasonably; "but some folks can do that and miss it." Himes nodded till he set the little red curls all bobbing around the bare spot. "Uh-huh," he approved, "I reckon that's so. Women is plenty, and men hard to git. Here's Mandy Meacham, been puttin' in her best licks for thirty year or more, an' won't never make it."

"But I'm not going home." The old Doctor sat up. "Not going home!" Dan smiled. "Not just yet," he answered. "I want to run about a little first." "Uh-huh," the Doctor nodded. "Want to get your hair dry and your shirt on right side out before you face the folks." Dan laughed. "Perhaps I want to look for my garden," he said. "Good!" ejaculated the other, now very much in earnest.

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