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By an' by mah mahster sol' me an' mah baby to de man what had de plantation nex' to ours. His name was John Lee. He was good to me, an' let me see my chillens. I nevah got no beatin's. Onliest thing I evah got was a li'l slap on de han', lak dat. Didn't hurt none. But I'se seen cullud men on de Bradley plantation git tur'ble beatin's. De whippin' boss was Joe Sylvester, a white man.

"Ye begin to think there's a conspiracy against ye to get ye'er money befure he saunters into th' room an' says in a gay tone: 'Well, what d'ye mane be tyin' up wan iv th' gr-reat industhrees iv our nation be stayin' away fr'm wurruk f'r a day? 'Dock, says ye in a feeble voice, 'I have a tur'ble pain in me abdumdum.

But now it be tur'ble 'ard to be disapp'inted like this, Peter arter I'd set my 'eart on it an' me such a old man such a very ancient man. Oh, Peter! you be full o' disapp'intments, an' all manner o' contrariness; sometimes I a'most wishes as I'd never took the trouble to find ye at all!" And, with this Parthian shot, the old man sighed, and turned his back upon me, and tottered out of the forge.

"Why," she said when she saw Pen, "wherever did you drop from?" Pen began to cry. "I wor 'termined to come," she said. "I wanted to see you most tur'ble bad." "Poor little thing!" said the farmer. "She's got a bit of a fright. What do you think, Nancy? Lurcher had little miss by her skirt.

Oh! life's a very fine thing when you're young; but youth's tur'ble quick agoin' the years roll slow at first, but gets quicker 'n quicker, till, one day, you wakes to find you 'm an old man; an' when you'm old, the way gets very 'ard, an' toilsome, an' lonely." "But there is always memory," said I.

But I had enough to get home on anyway; and I never yet drank behind the bar, even if I might hold up the saloon from the floor. So I grieved some inside that I was so tur'ble conscientious, shouldered the sacks, and went down to find Dutchy. I met him headed his way, and carryin' of a sheet of paper. "Here's your dinero," says I, dumpin' the four big sacks on the ground.

"She's movin'!" cried a voice from the crowd on the wharf side. "Watch 'er! Watch 'er!" A dull English cheer rippled over the waterfront. "Blarst if I see why she moves!" marveled an onlooker. "That tug looks like a water bug 'itched to a 'ouse-boat it's hunreasonable!" "Aye, but they're tur'ble stout, them tugs be," argued a companion. "It's hunreasonable, just the same, 'Enry!"

So wild an' fierce-like 'e were enough to fright any woman, 'specially such a beautiful, gentle creetur' as 'is wife! Drink 's a fearsome thing!" "True, George. But Mr. Anthony would die rather than harm her, I am sure." "Maybe, sir but 'e looked 'orrible wild an' fierce when 'e rode off an' drink du be a tur'ble thing." "Now touching a chaise, George " "Chaise, sir?"

Larry rode up on the edge of a little rimrock. In a minute I saw his hoss jump back, dodgin' a rattlesnake or somethin', and then fall back out of sight. I jumped my hoss up there tur'ble quick, and looked over, expectin' to see nothin' but mangled remains. It was only about fifteen foot down, but I couldn't see bottom 'count of some brush. "Are you all right?" I yells.

I were a soldier once an' a tur'ble drinker, but Mary Lord, sir, 'tis wonnerful how good a good woman can be an' how bad a bad 'un can be though she's generally made bad, I've noticed! Damme, sir, axin' your parding but damme notwithstanding, there's some men as I'd like to 'ave wrigglin' on the end of a bagnet!"