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Updated: August 6, 2024

Botheram, putting on a pair of remarkably large spectacles, wherewith he truculently regarded the witness, "so, so, Mr. MacGrawler, is that your name, eh, eh? Ah, it is, is it? A very respectable name it is too, I warrant. Well, sir, look at me.

This is the first Med Ship visit in twelve standard years, I believe which is inexcusable. But your health authorities will know all about it. Check with them." The voice said truculently: "What was your last port?" Calhoun named it. This was not his home sector, but Sector Twelve had gotten into a very bad situation.

"Come " said Carrington good-naturedly, "you surely remember me?" "Yes, sir; I reckon I do " "Can't you tell me about Mr. Yancy?" "No, sir; I don't know exactly where he is " "But how did you get here?" persisted Carrington. Suddenly Mahaffy turned on him. "Don't you see he's with us?" he said truculently. "Well, my dear sir, I certainly intended no offense!" rejoined Carrington rather hotly.

He said this because he could think of nothing else to say, and stuck out his elbows truculently to hide the sinking of his heart. It is curious how situations run away with us. "'Ullo, Charlie!" said the little man, and "My eye!" said the owner of the chins. "You're going to wipe your boots on 'im?" said the fair young man, in a tone of mild surprise. "I am," said Mr.

From the first, when she first won our hearts in the 'Hills, she gave us of the Rifles leave to be true men first and her servants afterward! We may love her as we do! and yet fight against her, if so Allah wills and she will yet love us!" "Where is she?" King asked him suddenly, and the man began to laugh again. "Let me by!" he shouted truculently.

"Continue your game," said Confalonieri quietly, "it will be best for you." The great blonde fellow Hubli flung down the dice-box and heaved himself up truculently to face the speaker who stood between him and the lances. Instantly Confalonieri stabbed him, and he sank back into his chair with a cry, intensest surprise in his blue eyes, so sudden and unlooked-for had the action been.

The dog's nose lay along his breast under his chin, and as he gave it dutiful hugs, one hug to every five paces, the dog put out its tongue and licked him timidly under the chin. "Stop," roared Fergus, "stop that forever," and he grew very red in the face, and stared truculently down along his nose. A soft brown eye looked up at him and the shy tongue touched again on his chin.

"It's the law, ain't it?" Saltman demanded truculently of the lieutenant. "It may be the law," came the steady answer. "But I can't and won't allow a mob of five thousand men to attempt to jump two claims. It would be a dangerous riot, and we're here to see there is no riot. Here, now, on this spot, the Northwest police constitute the law. The next man who crosses that line will be shot.

Shade was getting well fast, and with troubled eyes Arch saw him sitting up in a chair and cleaning his Winchester. "What's yo' hurry?" "I ain't never agreed to no truce," said Shade truculently. "Don't you think you might save a little time waitin' fer Babe to git tame? He's hidin' out. You can't find him now." "I can look fer him."

Jack Holloway was on his feet, a Fuzzy cradled in the crook of his left arm, his white mustache bristling truculently. "I am not a dead man, your Honors, and I am on trial here. The reason I'm not dead is why I am on trial. My defense is that I shot Kurt Borch while he was aiding and abetting in the killing of a Fuzzy. I want it established in this court that it is murder to kill a Fuzzy."

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