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And with all its grumbling, and the tristesse which the French consider its chief characteristic, I think my father is right, who says, that, more than any other nation, England has been, is, and will be, saved by hope. Resuming his implements, my husband added, "I haven't quite finished my pipe, I will go on till he comes down."

Charlevoix says: "Il a ete forme du terme Hiro, ou Hero, qui signifie J'ai dit, et par lequel ces sauvages finissent tous leur discours, comme les Latins faisoient autrefois par leur Dixi; et de Koue, qui est un cri tantot de tristesse, lorsqu'on le prononce en trainant, et tantot de joye, quand on le prononce plus court." Hist. de la N. F., I. 271.

Quand on s'est si bien habitue a vivre a deux il est difficile de redevenir garcon. Dans ces moments de tristesse je pense toujours a la separation eternelle, et au sort de celui de nous qui restera. Enfin j'apprends ici une chose qui me servira toujours, c'est que pour moi maintenant tout est vanite sans toi.

We have to make comparisons between La Tristesse d'Olympio, Souvenir, and Le Lac'. That will be something interesting." "The Tristesse d'Olympio?" repeated Giselle, in a tone of interrogation. "You know, of course, that it is Victor Hugo's," said Mademoiselle de Wermant, with a touch of pity. Giselle answered with sincerity and humility, "I only knew that Le Lac was by Lamartine."

I think it was as Olivia that Eleonora Duse first saw me act. She had thought of playing the part herself some time, but she said: "Never now!" No letter about my acting ever gave me the same pleasure as this from her: "Madame, Avec Olivia vous m'avez donné bonheur et peine. Bonheur part votre art qui est noble et sincère ... peine car je sens la tristesse au coeur quand je vois une belle et généreuse nature de femme, donner son âme

Que le visage ne paroisse point fantastique, changeant, égaré, rauy en admiration, couuert de tristesse, divers & volage, & ne fasse paroître aucun signe d'vn esprit inquiet: Au contraire, qu'il soil ouuert & tranquille, mais qu'il ne soit pas trop épanoüy de joye dans les affaires serieuses, ny trop retiré par vne grauité affectée dans la conversation ordinaire & familiere de la vie humaine.

Then came the general population, moving cheerfully in the inspiriting sun; for Irishmen move so much in a moist atmosphere that on a sunshiny day all tristesse of life seems changed, as in a flash, into high spirits and much activity. Not that the country, at its worst, is slow-footed or depressed; for wit is always at the elbow of want.

"And then I saw her die she stretched her poor thin hard-working hands out to God, and over and over again she muttered and moaned in her fever the refrain of an old peasant song we have in Touraine, 'Oh, la tristesse d'avoir aime! If you had heard her if you had seen her if you had, or have a heart to feel, nerves to wrench, a brain to rack, blood to be stung to frenzy, you would, seeing your mother perish thus, have thought, that to kill the man who had made such a wreck of a sweet pure life, would be a just, aye even a virtuous deed!

"Il n'y au monde plus grande destresse, Du bon tempts soi souvenir en la tristesse." At length death brought the desired release. Marino Sanuto briefly records the fact in the following words: "On the 17th day of May, 1508, at Loches, Signor Lodovico Sforza, formerly Duke of Milan, who was there in prison, died as a good Christian with the rites of the Catholic Church."

We have to make comparisons between La Tristesse d'Olympio, Souvenir, and Le Lac'. That will be something interesting." "The Tristesse d'Olympio?" repeated Giselle, in a tone of interrogation. "You know, of course, that it is Victor Hugo's," said Mademoiselle de Wermant, with a touch of pity. Giselle answered with sincerity and humility, "I only knew that Le Lac was by Lamartine."