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"Tim," he demanded, "has annything happened t' th' dongolas?" "Is annything happened t' th' dongolas!" exclaimed Fagan sarcastically. "Is annything wrong with thim water goats? Oh, no, Toole! Nawthin' has gone wrong with thim! Only they won't go into th' wather, Mike! Is annything gone wrong with thim, did ye say?

And at last, when the theme was quite exhausted, he told Toole, who still lingered on, that he was going to pay his respects to Captain Devereux. 'Oh! said cunning little Toole, 'you need not, for I told him the whole matter. 'Very like, Sir, answered the doctor; 'but 'tis on another matter I wish to see him. 'Oh! ho! certainly very good, Sir.

Just then came the roll of a coach to the door, and a long peal at the knocker; and little Toole ran down to meet the great Doctor Pell in the hall. He was in, in a moment, and turned aside with Toole into the drawing-room. And Toole's voice was heard pretty volubly. It was only a conference of about two minutes. And Dr. Pell said in his usual tall way, as they came out 'How long ago, Sir?

Dick Spaight thought it might be that he had not asked Miss Gertrude in marriage. But this was pooh-poohed. 'Besides, they knew at Belmont, said Toole, who was an authority upon the domestic politics of that family, and rather proud of being so, 'just as well as I did that Gipsy Dick was in love with Miss Lilias; and I lay you fifty he'd marry her to-morrow if she'd have him.

'Twas dongola shoes wan of me kids had, last winter, an' no good they were, too. Dongolas is shoes, Grevemeyer laced shoes dongolas is laced shoes." The big mayor leaned his head far back and laughed long and loud. He pounded on the bar with his fist, and slapped Toole on the back. "Laced shoes!" he cried, wiping his eyes, and then he became suddenly serious.

'Hear him speak, indeed! said Toole, taking advantage of her momentary absence. 'I wish you could, the drunken blackguard. King Solomon could not make sense of it. She gave that burglar, would you believe it, Ma'am? two guineas, by Jupiter: the first of this month and whiskey only sixpence a pint and he was drunk without intermission of course, day and night for a week after.

I'm afraid there was some truth in the theory, and Toole though he did not remember to mention it had an instinctive notion that Sturk had an eye upon the civil practice of the neighbourhood, and was meditating a retirement from the army, and a serious invasion of his domain. Sturk and Toole, behind backs, did not spare one another.

He happened to look up into the faces of this shining but by no means brilliant assembly, when what should he observe peeping over the shoulders of two buxom factory women with blue kerchiefs but the head of J.L. Toole! At least, it looked like Mr. Toole's head; but how it came there it was impossible to say. It was a delight anywhere, but it seemed now out of place.

If I did, I'd go to a lawyer that had some experience. I jest dropped up " "Well, any time you wish, you can just drop down again, Colonel," said Toole, but not ill-naturedly. "Now, don't git that way," said the Colonel. "I jest dropped up to do you a favor, and you git mad about it! I don't call that friendly. If you was to do me a favor I wouldn't git mad."

It was interesting to watch the face of Toole, suffused with good-humour and yet preserving its elastic dignity, in contrast with that of the farmer, which was almost white with terror as they interchanged furtive glances for the next half-hour. However, it all ended happily, for the man never laughed again.