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As it is, there'll be hardly enough for all of us to do tomorrer and Saturday mornin' even if it is fine. This was true: nearly all the outside was finished, and what remained to be done was ready for the final coat. Inside all there was to do was to colour wash the walls and to give the woodwork of the kitchen and scullery the last coat of paint.

"Well, you forget about that and go to sleep. I got a few little attentions to pay to that posse. It'll be here r'arin' before tomorrer. Sleep tight, partner." He climbed down the ladder and looked around the room. Jud, his freckles still looking like spots of mud or rust, his eyes popping, stood silent. "I'm glad of that," said the old man, with a sigh. "What, granddad?"

"You can find out tomorrer," said our skipper, "now we're headin' for Pingree's Beach to see if we can get a mess of clams of old man Haskell. Then we'll have dinner, and we can run over to the inlet at Little Duck in an hour, any time this afternoon." The breeze was still light, and the "Hoppergrass" made only fair progress. Soon we were out of the river, and entering Broad Bay.

See here, do you think we LOOK like burglars?" "Can't tell what yer look like," said a man, "'we caught yer in " "In partiseps criminy," said Gregory the Gauger, "that's what it was. An' whatever you look like, you'll look different tomorrer mornin'. I don't cal'late you know anything about breakin' an' enterin' Dr. Bigelow's last night?" "No, we don't. We weren't here last night."

"Look up an' see." The shiftless one did look up, and when he beheld the great sun shining almost directly over his head he exclaimed in surprise: "Why, Tom, is it today or tomorrer?" "It's today, though I guess it's well on to noon." "Seein' the sun whar it is, an' feelin' now ez ef I had slep' so long, I thought mebbe it might be tomorrer.

"Tom says you owe me a hund'ed dollars for buhnin' down my cabin; an' he says to leave that an' the hund'ed you owes him on the schoolhouse steps tomorrer night; an' if you don't hand 'em over now I'm to put it up to the Cunnel!" It was disconnected, but Brent understood the last part well enough.

''Ullo, Bob, said his brother-in-law; 'come along 'ome an' get to bed, there's a good chap. You'll be awright in the mornin'. 'She ain't turned up, Bob complained, 'or else I've missed 'er. This is the reg'lar place where I alwis used to meet 'er. But she'll come tomorrer. She used to leave me in the lurch sometimes, bein' nach'rally larky. But very good-'arted, mindjer; very good-'arted.

'Much too grown-up by long shakes! said Curly with his broad grin; 'no school for me if I know it. 'And what do you do all day long? Curly winked his eye at him, then said grandly: 'My occypations are warious. Tomorrer I sweeps my crossin' in the High Street. 'High Street Kensington? questioned Bobby. 'Oh, I'll come and see you, and walk across your crossing.

"All right, boss," called Ike Billings, winking to the boys; "we'll be there in a jiffy!" for the luncheon hour had flown, and the work of the afternoon was waiting for them. "You make a chalk-mark where you left off, Mr. Wiley, an' we'll hear the rest tomorrer; only don't you forgit nothin'! Remember 't was the Kennebec you was talkin' about." "I will, indeed," responded the old man.