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Get wet through in this mizzling rain. Let's wait for lunch. There'll be a good one, because of the passengers' friends being on board. Some say they'll go down to Gravesend with us. Here, you're all green yet; you leave everything to me, and I'll tell you what to do." I said "Thankye," and he went on cross-examining me. "Smoke?" he said. I shook my head.

Frank gave his companion the asked-for steady look, and smilingly laid his hand upon his breast. "Thankye, Ben Eddin. You always were a pleasant gentleman that it was a treat to have staying at Wimpole Street. Wimpole Street! Ha, ha, ha!" said Sam, laughing softly. "My word! how comic it does seem. What would they say in Wimpole Street if they could "

I did warn you about not getting put out. Don't you call me, sir, 'cause I don't like it." "Look here, Captain Chubb," cried the doctor, "I am sure you mean well." "Thankye, sir; I do." "Then why have you taken this prejudice against the Count?" "That's a straight question, sir. Now let me ask you one. What's he doing here?" "Upon some kind of research." "Not him, sir!

"Thankye for the mister, sir, and thank her for the coffee," said Bob, smiling, and he straddled off, the sloping of the deck as the ship rose and fell and heeled over being apparently of no consequence to him. A few minutes later Mr Brymer joined us, rubbing his hands.

"Can't yuh carry this layout in your head? I've got a picture gallery in mine that I wouldn't trade for a farm; I don't need no Kodak in mine, thankye. You just let this here view soak into your system, Bud, where yuh can't lose it." Thurston did.

"There, hold hard, Master Aleck," he growled, looking up at the lad. "I won't hurt yer now." "Thankye," said the boy, mockingly, as he stopped, holding on by a projecting rock in the stiff slope, and well on his guard to go on climbing if there was the slightest sign of pursuit. "You made me wild by hitting out at me." "Serve you right, you great lumbering coward, to serve me like that!"

Might like to sail back, p'r'aps, Mr Briscoe," he continued, "and give the copperskins a friendly word about hope they're not damaged, and then settle down in the shallows for a good afternoon's gold-washing." "Not to-day, thankye, skipper," said the American drily. "It might be teaching the savages how to catch the gold fever, as you called it, and be bad for their health."

I explained that I was waiting to meet somebody who was coming up by coach, and I inquired after the Castle and the Aged. "Both flourishing thankye," said Wemmick, "and particularly the Aged. He's in wonderful feather. He'll be eighty-two next birthday. I have a notion of firing eighty-two times, if the neighborhood shouldn't complain, and that cannon of mine should prove equal to the pressure.

"I will not spoil the experiment by satisfying my desire for good things." "Will any other member of the audience?" said Uncle Richard merrily, looking round at Tom. "I won't, uncle, thankye," said the lad. "You might have labelled the bottles wrongly." "Wise boy," said the Vicar; "but, by the way, where's the lump of beaten-out silver to be affixed to the glass?"

"Thankye," said the skipper; and at that moment, in obedience to an order previously given, the cabin door was dragged open. "What d'yer say to a rush, sir?" whispered Tom Fillot. He had hardly uttered the words, when there was a fresh crashing noise, a heavy report, and a splintering of wood, accompanied by a strange rustling sound.