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Updated: August 18, 2024

That dear, that charming Sin, though t'have pull'd Innumerable Mischiefs on my head, I have not, nor I cannot find Repentance for. Nor let me die despis'd, upbraided, poor: Let Fortune, Friends and all abandon me But let me hold thee, thou soft smiling God, Close to my heart while Life continues there. Till the last pantings of my vital Blood, Nay, the last spark of Life and Fire be Love's!

"I'm glad, anyway, t'have eased your mind so soon, let alone to have cut short your sarchin' which must ha' been painful enough in a house o' sickness." "Who was sarchin'?" asked 'Bias curtly. "Not me." "And that's true enough," corroborated Fancy. "Why, Cap'n Hunken has never mentioned the papers! I guessed as you hadn' told him they was missin'."

Trina was in the swing there that's my cousin Trina, you know who I mean and she fell out. By damn! I thought she'd killed herself; struck her face on a rock and knocked out a front tooth. It's a wonder she didn't kill herself. It IS a wonder; it is, for a fact. Ain't it, now? Huh? Ain't it? Y'ought t'have seen." McTeague had a vague idea that Marcus Schouler was stuck on his cousin Trina.

At the door she turned and remarked, "You've got t'have a shoulder strap to hold the wood, an' you musn't carry too much to onct. It might hurt your back." "I'll be careful," gulped Jinnie, "and mebbe I could help make the strap, eh, Lafe?" An hour later Jinnie was running a long needle through a tough piece of leather.

The coxcombs should have drawn her more in fashion, Have gratify'd her softer inclination, Have tipt her a gallant, and clinch'd the provocation. But there our bard stops short: for 'twere uncivil T'have made a modern belle all o'er a devil! He hop'd in honor of the sex, the age Would bear one mended woman on the stage."

I nodded my assent. 'Shouldn't like t'have a ball in my lungs, either, he added. ''Tain't necessary fer a man t'die if he can only breathe. If a man gits his leg shot off an' don't lose his head an' keeps drawin' his breath right along smooth an even, I don't see why he can't live. Taps sounded. We went asleep with our boots on, but nothing happened. Three days and nights we waited.

Some days I had design'd t'have given thee To have prepar'd for this solemnity; But now my second thoughts believe it fit, You should this night to my desires submit. Er. This night! Ah, Sir, what is't you mean to do? Org. Preserve my Credit, and thy Honour too. Er. By such resolves you me to ruin bring. Org. That's better than to disoblige my King. Er.

"That's the third one since morning; it is it is, for a fact and you got your stove going." He began to tell about the picnic, talking very loud and fast, gesturing furiously, very excited over trivial details. Marcus could not talk without getting excited. "You ought t'have seen, y'ought t'have seen. I tell you, it was outa sight. It was; it was, for a fact."

"Not to be unhappy is unhappynesse, And misery not t'have known miserie; For the best way unto discretion is The way that leades us by adversitie; And men are better shew'd what is amisse, By th'expert finger of calamitie, Than they can be with all that fortune brings, Who never shewes them the true face of things."

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