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Updated: July 31, 2024

"A purty woman, livin' alone on this riveh. Do many do that?" "Riveh ladies all do, sometimes. I tripped from Cairo to Vicksburg into a skift once," a tall, angular woman said. "My man that use to be had stoled the shanty-boat what I'd bought an' paid for with my own money. I went up the bank at Columbus Hickories, gettin' nuts; I come back, an' my boat was gone.

"Oh! what is the matter, Sadie?" cried Tess, running to the little Jewish girl's side. "He's a thief! he's a gonnif! he's a thief!" shrieked Sadie, dragging at the man's coat. "He stole mine money. He's busted open mine bank and stoled all mine money!" "That red bank in the kitchen?" asked Tess, wonderingly. "That one your mother put the quarter in every week for you?"

The Minster was alight that day, but not with fire, I ween, And long-drawn glitterings swept adown that mighty aisled scene; The priests stood stoled in their pomp, the sworded chiefs in theirs, And so the collared knights and so the civil ministers; And so the waiting lords and dames and little pages best At holding trains and legates so, from countries east and west; So alien princes, native peers, and high-born ladies bright Along whose brows the Queen's new crown'd, flashed coronets to light.

However, we mustn't lose heart. `Nebber say die, as Butterface is fond of remarking." "Yis, Massa, nebber say die, but allers say `lib, to de top ob your bent. Dems my 'pinions w'en dey's wanted. Also `go a-hid. Dat's a grand sent'ment was borned 'mong de Yankees, an' I stoled it w'en I left ole Virginny."

But, marster, maybe in de jedgmun' day, wen Ole Bob is er stan'in' fo' de Lord wid his knees er trim'lin', an' de angel fotches out dat book er hisn, and' de Lord tell 'im fur ter read wat he writ gins 'im, an' de angel he 'gin ter read how de ole nigger drunk too much wisky, how he stoled watermillions in de night, how he cussed, how he axed too much fur doct'in' uv hosses, an' wen he wuz men'in' cheers, how he wouldn't men' 'em strong, so's he'd git ter men' 'em ergin some time; an' den' wen he read all dat an' shet de book, maybe de Lord he'll say, 'Well, he's er pow'ful sinful nigger, but den he tuck his money, he did, an' buy'd de little baby fur ter give 'im ter his mammy, an' I sha'n't be too hard on' im.

"Maybe he has been stoled by Injins," exclaimed Rhoda, with great fervor; "thar was a Injin captive in a shew at Nu-ark, that had been kept nineteen years. He forgot his language, and whooped dreffle. Misc Somers say he was an imploster, an' worked on the Brekwater up to Lewistown. "Do get that girl a pocket-handkerchief, and show her how to use it," exclaimed Mrs. Tilghman, breaking out.

But all these spots were searched, and the little boy was not found. "Oh, maybe the giants have stoled him!" Freddie cried. "Or maybe the children's hawk has took him away," Flossie sobbed. Meanwhile everybody searched and searched, but no Roy could they find. "The boat!" suddenly exclaimed Tom, making a dash for the pond that ran along at the foot of a steep hill. "There he is!

A merciful Deity will accept our imperfect sacrifice. Are we not all believers in Christ? Away with creeds and churches, with formularies and doctrines, with painted walls and golden altars, with stoled priests, infallible popes, and temporal hierarchies! What are these vain distinctions, if we love God? Let the whole world unite to believe in the Redeemer.

She overheard the culprit say, with bated breath and evident sincerity, to his comrades: "Hadn't nothing in my hat, anyway!" and one of the infant class was heard to complain, in a deeply-injured way, that the bird's nest was HIS, and had been "stoled" from his desk.

"But us'd tell," repeated Duke, "us'd tell that he'd stoled us away, and they'd have to let us go home." Again Tim shook his head. "Those as 'ud pay Mick for ye wouldn't give much heed to aught you'd say," he answered. "And it'll maybe be a long way off from here over the sea maybe." "Then," said Duke, "then us must run away, Tim.

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