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"Sure, if I settle that with him," said Jimmy, "in the only way anything could be settled with a pack of rebels, the instruments will be broke into smithereens before we're done." This seemed very likely. Jimmy McLoughlin's bandsmen, armed with sticks and stones, were forming up on the road. The police had already handed over the largest drum to one of the leading Wolfe Tone Republicans.

The scene was a sermon in itself, and mere words fail to describe the deep impression it made upon me. How I Made a "Hide-up" And Secured a Fine Picture of the Prince Inspecting some Gun-pits His Anxiety to Avoid the Camera And His Subsequent Remarks How a German Block-house was Blown to Smithereens And the Way I Managed to Film it Under Fire.

I was that nervous; so I reached over to the window ledge, picked up my cigarette, put it between my lips once more and struck a light, when again I distinctly got that impression. Oh! but I was tempted, so for fear I would weaken I got out of bed, and with my bare feet crushed the dirty weed all to smithereens. I slept soundly till morning, and woke up smelling the odor of tobacco-smoke.

He took it and it dropped out of his hand on to the plate with a crash that laid it in smithereens.... You can see why I am cross." "I shouldn't be surprised, dear woman, if he were cross, too." "He was perfect! I respected him! Liked him better than I ever had before! I never saw anything so well done as the way he carried it off!

We were dragging around in it until the bombing commenced, then we crowded like boys round the big fellow, who was close to the parapet, his chest stuck out, his voice vibrant with pride as he said, "Just you wait and see me blow those fellows to smithereens just you wait and see!" In those days of makeshift bombs there was a nine-second fuse in each.

I think Father took it as an insult, not to himself, but to his calling, a deadly insult to his god of literature, and in what to me was a fine and noble and justifiable frenzy he smashed and kicked the door into "smithereens." I applaud; I'm glad he did it; he proved himself worthy of his chosen god. Mother no doubt cried.

He took the watch from his pocket, swung it round several times by the long gold chain, smashed it into smithereens against the wall with a single blow, and then walked into his laboratory next door, and hung its broken body on the bones of the skeleton in the corner of the room. "Let one damned mockery hang upon another," he said smiling oddly. "Delusions, both of you, and cruel as false!"

Even as the heroic Bud watched with persevering faithfulness, his charges were planning to knock their prison to smithereens and at the proper moment escape to the woods and hills. They knew the grated door was unlocked, but they imagined the place to be completely surrounded by vengeful villagers, who would cut them down like rats if they ventured forth.

I started to reason with him, when he slammed the window in my face. That made me madder than a March hare, and I told him if he didn't let me in that office mighty quick, I'd smash that window into smithereens and come in anyhow. Biff! Up went that window, and Mr. Barry's face looking like a boiled beet appeared, "Smash that window will you?

"Yes, my old mare got bit by something yesterday and kicked the gig to smithereens, and lamed her off hind-leg." "I will lend you a horse and a gig," said Penhallow. "Thanks," said McGregor simply. "I am sweating through my coat." "But don't leave my horse half a day tied to a post any animal with horse-sense would kick." "As if I ever did but when the ladies keep me waiting. Heard the good news?