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He was frowning, deep in thought, as the pudgy figure of Chow Winkler came into the laboratory. "'Smatter, boss?" the cook inquired cheerfully. "Ain't your ole think box workin' today?" "Doesn't seem to be," Tom confessed. "Give it time, son. Tomorrow's another day," Chow said philosophically. "What you need is a haircut for the square dance." Tom laughed in spite of himself.

Having got up a sort of drunken simper, Sponge opened the drawing-room door, expecting to find smiling ladies in a blaze of light. All, however, was darkness, save the expiring embers in the grate. The tick, tick, tick, ticking of the clocks sounded wonderfully clear. 'Gone to bed! exclaimed Sponge. 'WHO-HOOP! shrieked Jack, at the top of his voice. 'What's smatter, gentlemen?

"'Smatter, girls tired of dancing already?" asked Brandon. "Oh, no we could dance from now on," Verna assured him. "But you see, Nadia hadn't seen that husband of hers for fifteen minutes, and was getting lonesome. Being afraid of all you men, she wanted me to come along for moral support.

The latter's disappointment lay in the fact that they were balked in giving vent to their instincts of sheer savagery the delight of plunder and massacre. That of the former, however, was a more weighty factor to reckon with; for the smatter of civilization in the Arab and Swahili element had brought with it the commercial instinct of cupidity.

In addition to my connexion with the syndicate just mentioned I hold a particular commission from The Tatler, whose most prominent department, 'Smatter and Chatter' I dare say you've often enjoyed it attracts such attention.

The apter he is to smatter, the slower he is in making any advance in his pretences. He trusts words before he is thoroughly acquainted with them, and they commonly show him a trick before he is aware; and he shows at the same time his ignorance to the learned and his learning to the ignorant. Is a retailer of rumour that takes up upon trust and sells as cheap as he buys.

Patty had arranged that she should sit next Van Reypen, and as Azalea took the place, she found Ray Gale on her other hand. "'Smatter, Zaly?" he said, merrily, not thinking anything was really troubling her. "Shell shock," said Van Reypen, to save Azalea the necessity of replying. "She's had a hard day of it, and now she's not to be bothered to talk, if she doesn't want to."

I am not sure that the old great lady who could only smatter Italian was not more vigorous than the new great lady who can only stammer American; nor am I certain that the bygone duchesses who were scarcely successful when they painted Melrose Abbey, were so much more weak-minded than the modern duchesses who paint only their own faces, and are bad at that. But that is not the point.

Brandon and Crowninshield found him seated at the calculating machine, continuing a problem which already filled several pages of his notebook. "'Smatter, Steve? So glad to see a calculator and some paper that you can't let them alone?" "Not exactly just had a thought a day or so ago. Been computing the orbit of the wreckage of the Arcturus around Jupiter.

"Yes, I have never met more than one or two chance Englishmen at the 'Sole." "But you are at your case with our friends there. I think you know as little German as I do, Elgar?" "Devilish bad at languages! To tell you the truth, I can't endure the sense of inferiority one has in beginning to smatter with foreigners. I read four or five, but avoid speaking as much as possible."