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Updated: August 15, 2024

Bimeby, we hear steps on de peazzer, en yer come a couple er young fellers wid strops on der shoulders, en der sodes a draggin' on de flo', en der spurrers a rattlin'. I won't say I wuz skeer'd," said Uncle Remus, as though endeavoring to recall something he failed to remember, "I won't say I wuz skeer'd, kaze I wuzzent; but I wuz took'n wid a mighty funny feelin' in de naberhood er de gizzard.

Oh, I was dreadfully frightened, to be sure; and just as I was going to scream out, the ghost puts his hand upon me and says 'hush! which skeer'd me so that I almost fainted away. Well, ma'am, what does the ghost do next but take ondecent liberties with me, and I was too much frightened to say, 'have done, now! And then the awful critter did what no ghost ever did before to me, nor man neither.

"Are you one of the Kendrick negroes?" "No, sir; I don't b'long dar." "Who are you?" "I 'clar' ter goodness, I skeer'd ter tell you, Mars. George; kaze you mought fly up en git mad." The young man laughed with such genuine heartiness that it did the negro good to hear it.

Then, as if troubled by an after-thought, he said, "Madam, how do I know but some of these 'deetecters' may come around, and, seeing my letters, get me into difficulty?" "Why, laws a' mercy," said she, "don't be skeer'd. Yeou jest leave that to me. The minnit them air letters gits here, I hides 'em in that bewro-draw'r," pointing to an article of furniture in the corner.

"'Dat look cool, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en cool I speck she is. I'll des 'bout git in dar en take a nap, en wid dat in he jump, he did, en he ain't no sooner fix hisse'f dan de bucket 'gun ter go down." "Wasn't the Rabbit scared, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy. "Honey, dey ain't been no wusser skeer'd beas' sence de worl' begin dan dish yer same Brer Rabbit. He fa'rly had a agur.

"Well, when we got to town, the tide was high, and the vessel jist ready to cast off, and Steve, knowin' how skeer'd pony was of the water, got off to lead him, but the critter guessed it warn't a bridge, for he smelt salt water on both sides of him, and ahead too, and budge he wouldn't. Well, they beat him most to death, but he beat back agin with his heels, and it was a drawd fight.

"Brer Fox crope up little nigher, he did, en lissen, but he don't year no fuss, en he keep on gittin' nigher, en yit he don't year nuthin'. Bimeby he git up close en peep down, but he don't see nuthin' en he don't year nuthin'. All dis time Brer Rabbit mighty nigh skeer'd outen his skin, en he fear'd fer ter move kaze de bucket might keel over en spill him out in de water.

"'Dat's des w'at I wuz gwineter tell you 'bout; sez Brer Possum, sezee. 'I want no mo' skeer'd dan you is right now, en' I wuz fixin' fer ter give Mr. Dog a sample er my jaw, sezee, 'but I'm de most ticklish chap w'at you ever laid eyes on, en no sooner did Mr.

"Well, when we got to town, the tide was high, and the vessel jist ready to cast off, and Steve, knowin' how skeer'd pony was of the water, got off to lead him, but the critter guessed it warn't a bridge, for he smelt salt water on both sides of him, and ahead too, and budge he wouldn't. Well, they beat him most to death, but he beat back agin with his heels, and it was a drawd fight.

He dunner w'at's up, en he don't say nuthin'. Ole Brer B'ar he keep runnin' on: "'You er de man w'at tuck en fool me 'bout Brer Rabbit t'er day. You had yo' fun, Brer Bull-frog, en now I'll git mine. "Den Brer Bull-frog, he gin ter git skeer'd, he did, en he up'n say: "'W'at I bin doin', Brer B'ar? How I bin foolin' you? "Den Brer B'ar laff, en make like he dunno, but he keep on talkin'.

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