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I've a good mind to ask Master Leigh. He'll tell me if he can." "Ay, lad, do," said the boatswain. Just then Hilary came out of the cabin with a red spot in each cheek, and began walking up and down the deck and watching for the coming boat. "Is all ready and shipshape, boatswain?" he said. "Ay, ay, sir." "Your guns well lashed, Waters?" "Ay, ay, sir, and longing to have a bark.

Everything shipshape: perhaps, a degree or two of elevation when we were a little closer "May I come in sir?" broke in a gentle, high-pitched voice. "Certainly, Mr. Dival," I replied, answering in the Universal language in which the request had been made. "You are always very welcome."

Bring your things up from whatever place you're staying in, and we'll try to make this barn a little more shipshape. 'And then oh, then, said Dick, still capering, 'we will spoil the Egyptians! The wolf-cub at even lay hid in the corn, When the smoke of the cooking hung gray: He knew where the doe made a couch for her fawn, And he looked to his strength for his prey.

"Got a tent village out of the colonel's Menefee Rifles' tents over by the spring. It will be fine for them until I can divide out the land and set each man to log-rolling his shack. Dad Hayes is finishing the camp for me, and Chubb is helping to make things all shipshape, also buying a fine mule for each family. Oh, they'll have a great welcome, or would have if only you were there."

Tom wouldn't have him inside, for fear the natives might chance on the treasure themselves, and we put a neat fence around the place, with a priming and two coats of white paint, and a natty gate to go in by with brass hinges. The whole settlement turned out, Iosefo outdoing himself, and the king butting in with an address, and everything shipshape and Bristol fashion, as sailors say.

Needless to say she was also the object of great and ever-increasing curiosity to the inhabitants of the valley generally, not more than perhaps a dozen of whom had ever seen anything more handy and shipshape than the unwieldy balsa, or raft constructed of reeds, a not very manageable craft at the best of times, and of course quite incapable of being navigated under sail except before the wind.

I've read you most part of the story of Bel and the Dragon, likewise the Articles of War, and a lot of psalms out of Sternhold and Hopkins; and now, if you feel skeery about losing the number of your mess, I'll make your Will for you, to be all shipshape before the Big Wigs of London.

At the outset a slight difficulty presented itself with regard to the anchors for although, as has been explained before, the Jasper B. was a remarkably stable vessel, Cleggett had had the new anchors furnished by the contractor let down. Having the anchors down seemed, somehow, to make things more shipshape.

But I could find nothing awry. She was shipshape from head to toe. "'Tis very queer," said I. "Sure, I thought you'd missed a button, for the doctor is lookin' at you all the time." "At me!" she cried. "Ay, at you." But it turned out that their eyes were no sharper than mine. They pronounced her hooked and buttoned and pinned to the Queen's taste.

Everything on board of her was shipshape. Her engines, of 11,111 horse power, were bright and fresh and ready for another voyage of 17,000 miles. Not a bolt was loose; not a screw was out of order.