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To anchor the derelicts of humanity in a sort of repair dock here, and scrape the barnacles off their dispositions, and send them out shipshape again, surely that's something. And I can do it." I nodded again. "But if the Jenningses stay " he looked at me. "Minnie, in heaven's name, what am I going to do if SHE stays?" "I don't know, Mr. Pierce," I said.

"Stand by, my lad, stand by," replied the other, making a dart back at the helm just as the cutter was beginning to fall off. "Look ye here, messmet, air you agoin' to make my head shipshape, or air you not?" growled Tom Tully; and then, before his hairdresser could finish tying the last knot, the lieutenant came on deck.

At my time of life, it's much harder to make yourself shipshape than it is when you're younger. I tell Florida that anybody would take her for the old lady, she does seem to give so little care to getting up an appearance." "And yet she has the effect of a stylish young person in the bloom of youth," observed Ferris, with a touch of caricature. "We had better lunch with our things on," said Mrs.

But I had an errand or two to do in Boston, so I stopped over night at the hotel there and got the nine o'clock train. I landed here in New York all shipshape and on time, and started in to hunt you up." "How did you get our address?" asked his niece. "Mr. Graves couldn't have given it to you, for we only decided on this apartment a few days ago."

Gibney and McGuffey dressed in their other suits including celluloid collars and cuffs. "The cargo's out, Scraggsy, my son, the decks has been washed down an' everything in my department is shipshape." Thus Mr. Gibney. "Likewise in mine," McGuffey added. "Consequently," Mr. Gibney concluded, "we're quittin' the Maggie an' if it's all the same to you we'll have our time." "My dear Gib.

Standing on the captain's deck of an American warship not long ago, watching the deck hands below putting things shipshape, I asked an officer "Is there any chance for those men to rise?" "Yes, some," he answered tentatively, "but then, there is a difference between the men who have been trained for a position, and those who have worked up the line to it."

The fundamental idea is the starting-point, and must be sketched out as fully as possible without losing the very frail thread of thought. A clear view of the scheme is not to be obtained on demand. The schemer must wait in patience, as the astronomer waits for steady air, and, like the astronomer, he must have every facility in shipshape. The clear view is only clear to the watching eye.

Her nigh made me sick, I tal 'ee. But I rowted un out, and I rowted un out, an' I made all shipshape, though her smelt like to bilges." "Her died mousin', I reckon, poor thing," said Lena. "Then her moused different to any made cat o' God's world, Lena.

On deck, the men began to holystone the planks, polish up the brasswork, and make everything shipshape for port. The middies are at work here on the poop, each "with a sharp knife and a clear conscience," cutting away pieces of tarry rope. New ratlines are being fastened up across the shrouds. The standing rigging is re-tarred and shines black.

I dare say when you get back from school you'll find it quite shipshape, and even if you're not you can sleep the night at our place; so don't you worry about that, said Doreen. 'It's not that at all; I don't care if we are not shipshape for a week; it's the girls we are going to take a house with that are worrying me if I am worrying, as you say, replied Vava.