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Suppose I make the trip, get a team for our wagon, and come back for you?" The idea of being left alone and well-nigh helpless struck dismay to Will's heart, but there was no help for it, and he assented. Dave put matters into shipshape, piled wood in the dugout, cooked a quantity of food and put it where Will could reach it without rising, and fetched several days' supply of water.

Now, ladies, I think everything is shipshape, and there's nothing to keep us any longer. How would you like to sit? Some people think the best place beside the driver, but " "Oh, I wouldn't sit there for worlds with no horse in front to fall out on in case anything happened!" exclaimed Mrs. Kidder; "and I couldn't let Beechy either. Maida is her own mistress, and can do as she likes."

The lighter sails were stripped off the foremast, the mate thinking to bring her into port under mizzen and main sail, together with all the fore and aft canvas that could be safely set. 'Twas the work of several hours to get things shipshape, the Dolphin meanwhile lying by to give us countenance and protection.

"Things have to be shipshape when the lives of a crew may depend on a missing match or wet powder. The houses," he added as we came out of the door and he stopped to close it, "are built every three miles along the beach. From November 15 until April 15 the keeper and six surfmen live in this house, and take watches, patrolling the beach night and day, meeting halfway between the stations.

"Now, my fruends, I want to explain to ye that when white people get married they go through a kind of ceremony, an' put gold rings on the weemen's fingers by way o' makin' it all shipshape an' secure, you know. Now, I understand how to go about this matter, an' we hev plenty o' brass curtain-rings in the store that's as goot as gold any day in this country, whatever.

'What's the good of growlin' and snappin'? says Burke. 'We're all goin' in regular, I suppose, share and share alike? The men nodded. 'Well, there's only one way to make things shipshape, and that's to have a captain. We'll pick one of ourselves, and whatever he says we'll bind ourselves to do life or death. Is that it, boys? 'Yes, yes, that's the only way, came from all hands.

"Ah, I needn't have asked the question," said the `Jaunty' to this, glancing meaningly at the empty plates that littered the table, not a scrap or a crumb being left by any of us. "But now, my lads, you must set to work to pay for your grub. Here, look sharp and clear up! We always have things shipshape aboard here, and the sooner you learn your duties the better."

Wish I knew who drinks my whiskey Made sail at daylight; difficult work, this handling sail below decks; can't see aloft, must feel when sheets are home; don't like these new fangled rolling topsails that furl themselves; they're not shipshape, but we're too short-handed for the old style Wind going down. Course due E. Shem at the wheel, Ham on the lookout. Fri., 11 days out.

Mayhew informed his young listener that a section of cadets would board the "Farnum" at eleven that morning, another section at three in the afternoon, and a third at four o'clock. "Of course you will have everything aboard your craft wholly shipshape, Mr. Benson, and I trust I hardly need add that, in the Navy, we are punctual to the minute."

The commander of the Marie Theresa lifted his cap, uttering no word a silent tribute to a hero. The Marie Theresa had not escaped unscathed in the combat, but, although her injuries were not serious, they were such as to prevent a pursuit of the second German cruiser, which was dashing away at full speed. The crew set to work with a will wreckage, and finally the vessel was shipshape once more.