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As Robin was about to follow him into the lift, the manager stopped him. "Zere was a shentleman call to see Mees Trevert," he said, "two or three time 'e been 'ere ... a Sherman shentleman. 'E leave 'er a note ... will you take it?" Greatly puzzled, Robin Greve balanced in his hands the letter which the manager produced from a pigeon-hole. Then he tore open the envelope.

And respecting David, he allowed that "he was an excellent judge of nowte and sheep, and a sensible eneugh carle, an it werena for his tamn'd Cameronian nonsense, whilk it is not worth while of a shentleman to knock out of an auld silly head, either by force of reason or otherwise."

Cibot to nurse him, he may get better for liver complaint is a disease that attacks strong constitutions." "Fifty, did I shay? Why, a shentleman here, on your very doorshtep, offered him sheven hundred thoushand francsh, shimply for the pictursh, fouchtra!" While Remonencq made this announcement, Mme. Cibot was looking at Dr. Poulain.

"And ye had potter tell your father, puir body, to get his beasts a' in order, and put his tamn'd Cameronian nonsense out o' his head for twa or three days, if he can pe so opliging; for fan I speak to him apout prute pestil, he answers me out o' the Pible, whilk is not using a shentleman weel, unless it be a person of your cloth, Mr. Putler."

"He's axtra fond o' the feeshin'," was the reply, "for a' that he's a foreign shentleman." The landlord was sorry, but the house was full. "If ye wanted them in a fortnicht's time," he said, "ye could hae the hale hotel; but tae the end o' the holidays we're foll up.

"You tam lowland scoon'rel!" cries he, and hit me a buffet on the jaw with his closed fist. I paid him as good or better on the return; whereupon he stepped a little back and took off his hat to me decorously. "Enough plows, I think," says he. "I will be the offended shentleman, for who effer heard of such suffeeciency as tell a shentlemans that is the King's officer he canna speak Cot's English?

Jamie's no fule wi' the right sort, an' the yacht is a shentleman, an' the shentleman's the yacht, for it's the shentleman that pays whateffer." Captain Derrick became keenly interested. "The gentleman? The owner of the yacht, you mean?" Jamie nodded "Just that!" and proceeded to count out his store of new-laid eggs with great care as he placed them in the steward's basket. "What's his name?"

But when Ishmael had seen his old follower comfortably in bed, the Jew turned to him and, as it would seem, for the simple pleasure of speaking to the young man whom he admired so much, said: "Zir; te zhip rollts mush. Tere vill pe a gread pig storm." "I think so," answered Ishmael courteously. "Vell, if zhe goesh down do te boddom tere vill pe von lesh drue shentleman in de vorlt, zir.

Yonder individual, who strolls about with his hands behind him, supporting his brown coat lappets, under-sized, and who looks anything but what he is, is the king of the light weights, so called, Randall! the terrible Randall, who has Irish blood in his veins; not the better for that, nor the worse; and not far from him is his last antagonist, Ned Turner, who, though beaten by him, still thinks himself as good a man, in which he is, perhaps, right, for it was a near thing; and "a better shentleman," in which he is quite right, for he is a Welshman.

But if ye are the lad with the silver button, all is well, and I have the word to see that ye come safe. But if ye will pardon me to speak plainly," says he, "there is a name that you should never take into your mouth, and that is the name of Alan Breck; and there is a thing that ye would never do, and that is to offer your dirty money to a Hieland shentleman."