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Later in the day, as Ishmael and his shadow, the professor, were standing leaning over the bulwarks of the ship and watching the setting sun sink into the water, leaving a trail of light upon the surface of the sea, he heard a familiar voice exclaim: "Fader Abraham! Tere ish tat yunk shentleman ant hish olt man again!" And Ishmael turned and saw the German Jew standing near him.

In the meantime, too much engrossed by the duty before him to mind much whether his friend followed him or not, Donald struck boldly in, in aid of the "shentleman in distress," exclaiming, as he did so "Fair play, my tears! Fair play's a shewel everywhere, and I suppose here too."

Butler replied, "That he had not attended to the risk of ill-usage which the poor woman might undergo at the hands of the rabble, and that he would give her the necessary admonition in private, instead of bringing her before the assembled session." "This," Duncan said, "was speaking like a reasonable shentleman;" and so the evening passed peaceably off.

Fwhat will this creatur pe tat will pe approaching in such ways and manners pefore a Hieland shentleman?" cried the Highlander with a snort, giving an extra cock to his bonnet. "I am an unworthy follower of Christ, our spiritual Redeemer, and a soldier of King William, our temporal deliverer; and I stand here to bid you make good your profane boasting." "Fhery goot inteet!

"'Ah, said he, 'here is something useful, and he undid his sash, and then feeling in his breast pocket, he hauled out a tin tobacco-case, and opening of it, says he: "'Tom, here's a real god-send for you. This and the sash I will give you as a keepsake. They are mine by the fortune of war, but I will bestow them on you." "Oigh! oigh!" said Peter, "she was no shentleman."

It was the poet Tennyson. He replied, 'Lor', to think o' that! and sure I thoucht he was a shentleman! Near Stirling the same remark was made to the keeper of the hotel where he had stayed.

"By George!" continued Mr. Hart, "we come forward to 'elp a shentleman in his trouble and to wait for our moneys till the father is dead, and then when 'e's 'ad our moneys the father turns round and says that 'is own son is a Oh, it's too shocking! I 'aven't slept since I 'eard it, not a regular night's rest. Now, it's my belief the captain 'as no 'and in it." Here Mr.

And the utmost length that Butler's most earnest entreaties could prevail was, that he would, reserve "the twa pig carles for the Circuit, but as for him they ca'd the Fustler, he should try how he could fustle in a swinging tow, for it suldna be said that a shentleman, friend to the Duke, was killed in his country, and his people didna take at least twa lives for ane."

But in the mornin' ye'll gang up to the hoose, for the laird wud be ill-pleased if we keepit ye here." "Pray, who is this laird?" asked Barret; "your wife has already mentioned him." "Maister Gordon is his name. He lives near the heed o' Loch Lossie. It iss over eight mile from here," said Ian; "an' a coot shentleman he iss, too.

"And now, sirs," said Duncan, in a commanding tone, "I am to pray ye a' to come in to your supper, for yonder is Mr. Archibald half famished, and a Saxon woman, that looks as if her een were fleeing out o' her head wi' fear and wonder, as if she had never seen a shentleman in a philabeg pefore."