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The priest rose and took up a "Semaine religieuse," which lay upon the table. He turned over the leaves. "See," he said, and read, "'Sunday 3 o'clock, Vespers chanted; ceremony of clothing, presided over by the Very Reverend Father Dom Etienne, abbot of the Grande Trappe, and Benediction." "That is a ceremony which interests me much." "I too shall probably be there."

The local Catholics regarded it as a reply to the municipal council's veto of the procession in honour of the Virgin. The report has just been published in the Semaine Religieuse, and concludes in favour of the absolute authenticity of the fact under inquiry. ....The last word rests with the bishop, who will decide according to the conclusions of the report of the special commission.

It can seldom be proved in more than eighty per cent. of cases, but in twenty per cent. of old syphilitic cases it is commonly impossible to find traces of the disease or to obtain a history of it. Audry. La Semaine Médicale, June 26, 1907. When Europeans carry syphilis to lands inhabited by people of lower race, the results are often very much worse than this.

Je reprends pourtant dans ce moment meme la publication periodique des livraisons de mon histoire; elles seront envoyees chaque semaine a Mr. Burton comme a vous, et je serai bienheureux si vous me dites qu'elles vous interessent autant que les precedents volumes. Pardon, my dear Sir, de ne pas vous en dire davantage. Je suis au Val Richer jusqu'a la fin de l'annee.

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Mon oncle Aumale et moi nous vous remercions des paquets que vous nous avez envoyes ce matin; mon oncle me charge de vous dire qu'il n'a pu vous ecrire aujourd'hui, etant fort occupe des soins a donner a la Duchesse d'Aumale, qui est toujours dans un etat assez grave, mais que vous lui ferez grand plaisir si vous voulez venir passer au Woodnorton la semaine du 22 au 29 novembre; il y aura quelques chasses a tir.

It was there that he composed his long and numerous poems.... His principal poem, La Semaine, went through more than thirty editions in less than six years, and was translated into Latin, Italian, Spanish, English, German and Dutch." The influence was an unfortunate one.

We quote a page or two from the second and concluding volume of Paris and its Historical Scenes, in the Library of Entertaining Knowledge, which gives the best account of la Grande Semaine that has yet appeared.

He pleaded for the church as if it were about to be built. He clasped his hands, looked up to heaven, and tears were in his eyes. Some sought for the silver and gold in their purses; but no collection was made, as the church had already been built, and was free of debt. After an interval, he recited La Semaine d'un Fils; and he recited it very beautifully.

Le laquais trouve un ami de son maitre, qui lui en demande des nouvelles. "Il est a Lyon," dit-il, "et il ne sera de retour que la semaine prochaine." "Mais," continue le questionneur, "que portez-vous la?" "Ce sont quelques provisions qu'il m'a envoye chercher pour son diner."

See him casually, as the rest of the guests, and this is how it would be forever for ever and ever. Lord Bracondale had passed what he termed a dog's day. He had gone racing, and there had met, and been bitterly reproached by, Esclarmonde de Chartres for his neglect. Qu'est-ce qu'il a eu pour toute une semaine?