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Updated: August 28, 2024

"You see't won't be so tough for me as if I hadn't always felt it lurking within me to go off some day or 'nother an' see how other folks did things. I do' know but what the Winn gals have laid up somethin' sufficient for us to take a house, with the little mite I've got by me. I might keep house for us all, 'stead o' boardin' round in other folks' houses.

'Then comes the time, he says, in winding up that knotted skein of prophecy, which he leaves for Merlin to disentangle, for 'he lives before his time, as he takes that opportunity to tell us 'Then comes the time, who lives to see't, That going shall be used with feet.

I guess there's a pair of 'em, for carelessness." She waited a moment before continuing: "I d'know as I like to see a husband puttin' his arm round his wife, even when he don't suppose any one's lookin'; but I d'know but what it's natural, too. But it's one comfort to see't she ain't the least mite silly about him. He's dreadful freckled."

BUMSTEAD'S arms were folded tightly across his manly breast, and the fine head with the straw hat upon it tilted heavily towards his bosom. "I see't now," said he softly; "bone han'le 'n ferule. I r'member threshing 'm with it. I can r'memb'r carry'ng " Here Mr. BUMSTEAD burst into tears, and made a frenzied dash at the lock of hair which he again mistook for a fly. "To sum up all," concluded Mr.

Alcander, look, look, how she glides away, Dost thou not see't? Alcan. Nothing, Sir, not I. Phi. No, now she's gone again. Alcan. You are disorder'd, pray sit down a while. Phi.

"That's my secret," snapped the old lumberman. "If I don't witness for you, be glad I don't harm you." "You dare!" cried Raffer, shaking his fist at the other as he leaned from the buggy seat. "You hearn me say I wouldn't go inter court one way or 'tother," repeated Toby, gloomily. "Wal," snarled Raffer, "see't ye don't see't ye don't. 'Specially for any man but me.

MacLure, we're homoeopathists, and I've my little chest here, 'and oot Hopps comes wi' his boxy. "'Let's see't, an' MacLure sits doon and taks oot the bit bottles, and he reads the names wi' a lauch every time. "'Belladonna; did ye ever hear the like? Aconite; it cowes a'. Nux Vomica. What next?

John Paul," he shouted heartily, forgetting me, "'tis blythe I am to see yere bonnie face ance mair! "An' wha are ye, Jamie Darrell," said the captain, "to be bangin' yere betters? Dinna ye ken gentry when ye see't?" A puzzled look spread over the smith's grimy face. "Gentry!" says he; "nae gentry that I ken, John Paul. Th' fecht be but a bit o' fun, an' nane o' my seekin'."

"Well, I'll build mine to-morrow," said Bill. "I can't have your cattle pasturing on my oats." "All right, all right. I'll have mine done as quick as yourn." "Well, see't you do; I don't want my grain all tramped into the ground and I ain't a-goin' to have it." Harkey hastily gathered up his tools, saying, "Yes, yes, all right."

"I guess not not with fish plenty," they assured her. "Well, now, don't set up too late, talkin' about gettin' off." "We're goin' to turn right in, ain't we, boys?" "You bet. We're goin' to get out of here before sun-up to-morrow mornin'," replied Bert. "Well, see't you do," said Mr. Jennings, who liked boys to have a good time. "I'll be up long before you are." "Don't be too sure o' that."

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