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"You mean, in fact, that I for you make the personal application shall be better able henceforth to win men's love, because ah, surely, Dr. Marmion, you do not dignify this impulse, this foolishness of yours, by the name of love!" She smiled a little satirically at the fingers I had kissed. I was humiliated, and annoyed with her and with myself, though, down in my mind, I knew that she was right.

Byron looked at him satirically. But she said, soothingly, "Of course I will help you as far as I am able my precious one. All I possess is yours." Cashel ground his feet on the floor impatiently, and then sprang up. After an interval, during which he seemed to be swallowing some indignant protest, he said, "You may put your mind at rest, once and for all, on the subject of money.

"I went to see " "Oh! you went to see Notre Dame and La Madeleine of course," interrupted Sebastian satirically. "No," answered Mr. Gryce with a cherubic smile. "Strange to say, I had business connected with that odd drama of Le Sphinx." There was not much more talk after this, and Mr.

Just come, I perceive," he added, somewhat satirically, as, linking his arm in his new-found friend's, he glanced at the cut of that friend's coat-collar. "I have been herd a fortnight," replied Alain. "Hem! I suppose you lodge in the old Hotel de Rochebriant. I passed it yesterday, admiring its vast facade, little thinking you were its inmate."

"At times she is more like a maniac than a sane person," said Adelaide, breaking her bread with deliberation. "What can you expect from such a parentage and education as hers?" Edgar looked down and smiled satirically. "Poor Pepita's sins lie heavy on your mind," he answered. "Yes, I believe in race," was her reply.

With which the speaker hurriedly vanished and soon the bumping and thumping in the hall gave cheering assurance of instructions fulfilled. "That porter is a prince among his kind," observed the guest satirically, wincing as an unusual bang overhead shook the ceiling. "But I'll warrant my man won't have to open my luggage after he gets through."

Benedict, and some of them have enjoyed a high reputation in the church, such as the learned and eloquent Bishop Morris, and the pious and accomplished Bishop Collier. Bourbon Island, until of late, 1850, when a bishop was appointed, had not been so fortunate. An eminent French writer rather satirically remarks, that it would have to wait until France ceded all her colonies to the British.

By treating a tragic subject bombastically or satirically we can turn it into an amusement for the public; they will not feel the griefs which we have been careful to harden them against by arousing in them contrary emotions. A work, nominally a work of art, may also appeal to non-aesthetic feelings by its political bias, brutality, or obscenity.

"What day did your mother mention would be convenient to her?" asked Mrs. Bunting, looking at the young man satirically. Chandler hesitated. His mother had not mentioned any special day in fact, his mother had shown a surprising lack of anxiety to see Daisy at all. But he had talked her round. "How about Saturday?" suggested Bunting. "That's Daisy's birthday.

It has been satirically said that a mythical Napoleon rose from the dust of the dead Emperor, who bore no moral resemblance to Europe's master of 1812.