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"And so say I," quoth the other Englishman; "but, certes, there is no fear of our forgetting it while they have a tongue in their heads." "Nay, Sir John," said the prince reprovingly, "all peoples have their own use and customs. There are some who might call us cold and dull and silent.

I look fer sun all day to-morrer, boy." This last in a tone of such manifest encouragement that Luck snorted. She knew that particular sound. "That would be my luck, all right," her chief stated pessimistically. "What's the matter with the sun, now?" Big Medicine boomed reprovingly.

"And I've dropped so many stitches, anyway, and couldn't find them, that it isn't much but holes. The knitting only just holds the holes together. 'Liza will have to darn it a lot, before she can use it for Zaidee." "You're old enough to like to sew and embroider things," said Edna, reprovingly. "No, I'm not," said Cricket, quickly.

"Sir," said Ithiel reprovingly, "do not make a jest of the maid, who does the best she can; it pains her and is not fitting." "Friend Ithiel," replied Marcus, turning quite crimson, "you must indeed think that I lack manners who would come to the home of any artist to mock his work. I say what I mean, neither more nor less.

Miss Coates moved aside to disclose the person of the reporter from the Republic, Homer Lee. "I have taken you at your word, uncle," she said, "and have brought a friend with me." In some trepidation she added; "He is Mr. Lee, a reporter from the Republic." "A reporter!" exclaimed Mr. Hallowell. Disturbed and yet amused at the audacity of his niece, he shook his head reprovingly.

"That's not a letter at all!" said Roy, scornfully; "why he tells us nothing at all! Why he might have gone to school and told us more! That from a soldier. It's the stupidest rot I've ever heard!" "I think you forget what a poor scholar Rob is," said Miss Bertram, reprovingly. "Now I think that is a remarkably good letter when I think what a short time he has been learning to write.

"No, Max, it Is not wrong in itself," I said reprovingly; "but Castleman, evidently for good reasons, asked you to stay away from his house, and counselled us to remain close at the inn. It has also this evil in it for you, aside from the danger: it will make your duty harder to perform. When a man longs for what he may not have, he should not think upon it, much less act on it.

Three days later he received a note from Brown asking him to call. He did so. The editor handed him back his story, more in sorrow than in anger, and spoke reprovingly about deserting one's principles. Brown was conscientious. He believed that the past counted nothing in face of the present. Severne pressed for an explanation.

Behind these were two serving boys, one tall, large, and strong; the other small and agile. "By the blue heaven!" Blaise blurted out; "a dainty piece of womankind!" "Silence, Blaise!" I said, reprovingly. "How dare you speak with such liberty of a lady?" "I thought I was supposed to be masquerading as a gentleman," he growled. "But it was not of the lady that I spoke. It was the maid."

"Officer," inquired Wyatt Roundtree, trailing into the conversation very innocently, "why is it that people who live up among those Yankees always say 'be' the remainder of their lives?" "What's the matter with the word?" countered Officer. "Oh, nothing, I reckon, only it sounds a little odd, and there's a tale to it." "A story, you mean," said Officer, reprovingly.