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"Mr. Brewster states he has no authority to cash this check unless we cover our overdraft. He would like to talk to you." "Let him." Again the receiver spoke, while Clark's face grew suddenly very grim. "I think you'd better come up and see me," he said shortly. Then he listened. "Very well," he snapped. His features were like a mask.

There was nobody but the dilettanti left, and they gazed about them with disconsolate looks, whilst the receiver of excise duties exclaimed, with a tragic air, 'O heaven! how mortified I feel! All my diffidence was gone, I threw myself in the bandmaster's way, I begged, I prayed, in my distress I promised him six new minuets with double trios for the annual ball. I succeeded in appeasing him.

Maybe there's enough to make a bid on a ranch, a property with a crazy man on it, armed with a gun and threatening to shoot intruders. If you are the receiver, I want to make a bid for the Bar-O ranch, as it is." "No bids are solicited," said Logan severely. "The judgment is for forty-two hundred dollars. I bid it in for that, and must account for that amount.

Why should he not telephone in Mortimer's presence? To ask for Mr. Elias was in no way incriminating and if help came promptly, Mortimer could be secured and the other spies pounced upon in their turn as they arrived. Therefore, as soon as they reached the library, Desmond walked over to the desk and picked up the telephone receiver from its hook.

And then there came a whispered, "Call me darling again, darling." And she just breathed the word "Darling" into the receiver, making a vague resolution as she did so that she would be, as far as would be possible to her, a good wife to this simple-hearted, big baby of a man who loved her so dearly. Timmy went straight home. He entered the house by one of the back ways and crept upstairs.

He picked up the receiver, his eye on the closed door, his thoughts inside that room. "Mr. Berg wants to see you right away," came the voice of the switchboard operator. Something seemed to give way inside something in the region of his brain no, his heart no, his lungs "Well, can you beat that!" said Jock McChesney aloud, in a kind of trance of joy. "Can you beat that!"

With the aid of a lightning rod he soon reached the window, lowered it further, stepped into a bedroom, and descended a pair of stairs. Looking around the little front hall, he made out a telephone instrument on the outside wall. Andy promptly turned the handle of the call bell. He placed the receiver to his ear. "Hello," came the instantaneous response "this is Central."

On cutting deep into a pretty large tree the fine oil suddenly gushed out and was lost for want of a receiver. My reason for being thus particular is that the country people have a method of pouring oil of inferior camphor-trees into a log of wood that has natural cracks, and, by exposing this to the sun every day for a week, it appears like genuine camphor; but is the worst sort.

The receiver of a pass shared with the giver the evil of the system. Many a legislator was corrupt; more shared in practices which were little removed from dishonorable. Adams, for example, gives an account of his experiences, as a director of the Union Pacific, in dealing with a United States senator in 1884.

Less careful, he used his plate instead of an ash receiver." Now bending down he noticed on the carpet a third heap of ash. "A third person has been smoking here.