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Updated: August 12, 2024

Why, he's actin' this mornin' jest like the world's his oyster and every month had an 'r' in it at that." "I'm delighted to hear it. I've always been taken with the chap; and I'm very glad you read him correctly. It seemed to me you were taking a risk. It would have broken the spirit of most men." "Well, you see I knew the stock. It's pushin', fightin' stock.

"The first Greaser he's a gaudy party with more colours than you could count in any rainbow is organisin' for a rush. He's pickin' up his reins an' pushin' his moccasins deep into his tappedaries, when, as he gives his cayouse the spur, the beauty of Ridin' for the Chicken's Head bursts full on Faro Nell. Comin' on her onexpected, Nell don't see no pleasure in it.

When he was handlin' stock from south of the line, in small bunches, and pushin' it through fast, we was all right. The Mexican punchers was doin' the stealin', sellin' the stuff to Brent. And Brent was sellin' to Arguilla's agent which is Ortez. All Ortez did was pay for it and turn it over to Arguilla.

Don't let me keep you waitin'. I'm surprised you're not pushin' a wheelbarrow in a labor battalion, the way you set that Nieuport down a few minutes ago. Clear out, soldier! This squadron is gettin' ready to do some plain and fancy flyin'. I don't want you to have heart trouble." "Humph! You'll have heart trouble the first time you try to land one of those Spads.

I was a-stoopin' down by de stove jist so, same as if yo' foot was de stove an' I'd opened de stove do' wid my right han' so, pushin' it back, jist as I pushes yo' foot an' I'd jist got de pan o' hot biscuits in my han' an' was 'bout to raise up, when I see a black face come aroun' under mine, an' de eyes a-lookin' up into mine, jist as I's a-lookin' up clost under yo' face now; an' I jist stopped right dah, an' never budged! jist gazed an' gazed so; an' de pan begin to tremble, an' all of a sudden I knowed!

Brown was for pushin' it on through 'cause the hook would catch 'f he drawed it out on the crochet principle, 'n' old Dr. Carter said it wouldn't do to put it through 'cause it was a fancy Chinese thing 't old Captain Jewett's father brought from China 'n' there was a man's head on the other end with his mustache makin' two crochet-hooks, one each side." "What did " said Mrs. Lathrop.

"I d'no as it would look so dretful, you standin' up straight and easy, and Blandina and I pushin' you along, and 'tennyrate I guess it would look as well as bein' throwed onto the town! chairs cost like the old Harry." Sez I, "Don't worry, I shall pay with my own butter money." And so I did, and rid to Transportation Buildin' with Josiah and Blandina walkin' by my side.

You were at the bombardment of Fort Sumter, they tell me! It's made a mighty stir in these parts! There were never before such times in old Kentucky! Yes, Harry, I'll give you the best horse I've got, there ain't one more powerful in the state, but pushin' as hard as you will you can't reach Pendleton before dark, an' you look out." "Look out for what?" "Bill Skelly an' his gang.

"What's the programme, anyway?" says I, as we boards the elevator. "Do you open for the defense, or do I?" "Hanged if I know!" he almost groans out. "I wish I did." "Then let's stick around outside in the corridor here," says I, "until we frame up something. Now how would it do if " "You're to explain, that's all!" says he, steppin' up and pushin' the button.

So we med our way into another room, with 2 bar-counters, and a crowd of people pushin and drivin to get forrerd. They knocked and elbered me about till I felt my dander riz. "Come on, Squire," sez I, setting my arms a kimber; "take care, my old coons, of your tendur Korns and Bunyans. Look out for your ribs, for I've crooked my elbers," and forrerd I goes with Squire follerin' in my wake.

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