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"Breast to breast!" he sez, as the Tyrone was pushin' us forward closer an' closer. "An' hand over back!" sez a Sargint that was behin'. I saw a sword lick out past Crook's ear, an' the Paythan was tuk in the apple av his throat like a pig at Dromeen fair. "Thank ye, Brother Inner Guard," sez Crook, cool as a cucumber widout salt. "I wanted that room."

Fox-Moore. Another turned sharply, 'Look out! Oo yer pushin', old girl? The horrid low creatures seemed to have no sense of deference. And the stuff they smoked! 'Pah! observed Mrs. Fox-Moore, getting the full benefit of a noxious puff. 'Pah! 'Wot! said the smoker, turning angrily. 'Pah to you, miss! He eyed Mrs. Fox-Moore from head to foot with a withering scorn.

"Only, I remember one time," the bent old form straightened up proudly and the bright old eyes gleamed, "when the other boys started pushin' things too far an' begun callin' my boy names no names that a boy with any pride in him would stand for I heard them they was jest around the back o' the house, an' I came to the door with my mad up to the boilin' point, but what I saw made me stop right short an' wait for what I knew was goin' to happen.

It looks like Prince Hal could say the most bitter things, for at last Hotspur leaves off his pawin' ail' profanity an' b'ars down on him. The two puts their fore'ards together an' goes in for a pushin' match. "But this don't last. Hotspur is two years older, an' over-weighs Prince Hal about three hundred pounds.

Yes, dear, I saw 'em both together just as I see you now, and then she was gone out o' sight in another minute, and the common crowd was all spread over the place pushin' an' cheerin'. 'T was some kind o' holiday, an' the carpenter and I got separated, an' then I found him again after I did n't think I should, an' he was all for makin' a day of it, and goin' to show me all the sights; he 'd been in London before, but I did n't want nothin' else, an' we went back through the streets down to the waterside an' took the boat.

That old long-buried Tory ancestor of hisen eggin' him on, so I spoze, and Polly's generous sperit rebellin' aginst the injustice and selfishness, and mebby some warlike ancestor of hern pushin' her on to say hash things. 'Tennyrate he had grown less attentive to her, and wuz bestowin' his time and attentions elsewhere.

Most of them knew him, dark though it was, and greeting him, guessed the errand on which he raced. Once or twice he collided with those who were slow to get out of his path, and almost overturned old Amos Entwistle into the goit as he pushed past him on the bank that afforded the nearest cut to the village. 'Naa, lad, who arto pushin' agen, and where arto baan i' that hurry?

They has their blankets an' knapsacks on, an' as they frames themse'fs up for the struggle they casts off this yere baggage, an' thar it lays, a windrow of knapsacks, blankets an' haversacks, mighty near a half mile in length across the plain. As we-all rebs has been pushin' the Yankees back a lot, this windrow is now to our r'ar, an' I goes canterin' along it on my mission to the far right.

Didn't he lef his place an' go down to that Rigrand Riveh, an' didn't he see Misteh Thaine fall back with a bullet pushin' him right into the watah? Yes, an' be drownded if Doctoh Horace hadn't done swum right then and fish him out. An' didn't he stay night time an' day time right by the blessed boy, till he's pullin' him out of dangeh of death's wing?

"I didn' say 'no difference. I said 'not much. Ruination's not much to a man already down with a stroke." "Oh, . . . him?" said Cai. "To tell the truth, I wasn't thinkin' about Rogers, not at this moment." "No?" queried 'Bias sourly. "Then maybe I'm doin' you an injustice. I thought you might be pushin' your way in here to suggest our doin' something for the poor chap."