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Once more I scanned the pool's gleaming surface and felt the cold pricking of spray from the white water that tumbled from a cleft in the rocks above. Once more I wondered if this, by chance, might prove a sad but glorious day for a long-elusive trout. Once more I looked to the fly. Once more I "What I never been able to figger out how can a dame like that fool herself beyond a certain age?

There is not the enduring moistness in my mouth that was when I was young. It seems that afresh upon me is the thirst that was mine when tormented by the visioned tongue of the harpooner. The gin and milk is very good, O Kanaka Oolea, for a tongue that is like the harpooner's." A shadow of a smile flickered across Pool's face. He clapped his hands, and the little maid came running.

And I had had kind of a tussle in my own mind, whether or not I should offer to let Josiah carry her out; but kinder hesitated, thinkin' mebby she would get stronger. But I hain't jealous, not a mite. It is known that I hain't all through Jonesville and Loontown. No, I'd scorn it. I thought Pool's wife would get better and she did.

The new arrangement meant no real risk; the security might always be sold in case of default. And under the arrangement offered, Storri's credit would be enlarged by twenty per cent. He agreed, and had immediate advantage of the fact. Drawing to the last dollar, he made his share of the pool's four millions good.

They paced off slowly, side by side. "What I like about the painting of Degas..." Anne began in her most detached and conversational tone. "Oh, damn Degas!" Gombauld was almost shouting. From where he stood, leaning in an attitude of despair against the parapet of the terrace, Denis had seen them, the two pale figures in a patch of moonlight, far down by the pool's edge.

He said he got so used to sleeping on his blanket on the ground in war times till he couldn't sleep on a bed. He couldn't get off asleep. "Grandpa found a pitcher of gold money been buried in old Master Pool's stable. He give it to them. They knowed it was out there. "Mother was with Miss Betty Reed in most of war times. Miss Betty hid their jewelry and money.

"'The wild joys of living! the leaping from rock up to rock, The strong rending of boughs from the fir tree, the cool silver shock Of a plunge in the pool's living water. I try to teach my girls 'How good is man's life, the mere living!" The men cheered as she paused for a moment flushed and breathless. She went on: "We women have been shut out from the sports too long I mean sports in the sun.

The boggy tract across which our path lay was white with fresh hoar- frost, and the thicket away to the south was a haunt for crows such as I never have seen again since; the black birds flew round and about it in dark clouds with loud shrieks, as though in its midst stood a charnel and gallows, and from the brushwood likewise, by the pool's edge, came other cries of birds, all as full of complaining as though they were bewailing the griefs of the whole world.

Its production will take place the day before the pool's activities begin. It will be deferred until the market in its strength or weakness favors their aims. Wherefore, my young friend," concluded Mr. Bayard, clapping a slim hand on Richard's shoulder, "to work! That report is the key. Every day we have it in our hands before it is read in the Senate means a million dollars." Mr.

And Babs wore her office manner, all crispness and business, until they were seated. But this swimming pool was not like a pool on Earth. The water was deeply sunk beneath the pool's rim, and great waves surged back and forth. The swimmers . Babs gasped. A man stood on a board quite thirty feet above the water. He prepared to dive. "That's Johnny Simms!" she said, awed. "Who's he?"