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Even before the jagged lead caught her face, ripping it from brow to chin, she drew her revolver and fired pointblank at him, missed him, and fell, as he spurred his horse on to her and struck again and again with his terrible whip. In an instant the street was in an uproar. The whole thing happened far more quickly than it can be told.

"Seek not the sacred hall of fame, Cling to thy simple life, On Hope's high banner, Beaubien, Shall never, never " But Kit interrupted pointblank. She was sitting up very straight on the divan, with a certain expression around her mouth, and a very steady purposeful look in her eyes, which even Jean at home paid attention to. "Just a minute," she said, quickly. "Do you mean Marcelle Beaubien?

Black, I asked him pointblank whether in face of the circumstance that the victim of this murder was my best friend, he would not prefer to plead his case before Judge Grosvenor. He answered no: that he had more confidence in my equity even under these circumstances than in that of my able, but headstrong, colleague; and prayed me to get well.

I remarked pointblank. "You! Mon Dieu!" He half sprang out of the armchair in his intensity. "Are you crazy?" "Forgive me," I apologized. "I did not mean to hurt you. I only thought and you are in no condition to reason that Alice may have changed her mind, may regret having refused you. Women change their minds, you know.

The dog did not slur the short notes and howl upon the long ones, as did a little fat Jew from London, with a sweet voice and no brains, whom I last heard howl it in the Theater Royal, Edinburgh. No; he retained the pure rhythm of the composition, and, above all, sung it with the gentle earnestness and unquavering emotion of a Briton. It struck Zoe's heart pointblank.

A second time did the mood of murder savagely possess his soul, and the weapon's muzzle fell pointblank upon the devoted bosom of Ralph; when the slight figure of the young woman passing between, again arrested the design of the outlaw, who, with muttered curses, uncocking, returned the weapon to his belt.

He found nothing to reward his search whoever the coward had been, he had disappeared among the rocks, vanishing completely in the black night. The fellow had not even waited to learn the effect of his shot. He had fired pointblank into the lighted room, sighting at Westcott's head, and then ran, assured no doubt the speeding bullet had gone straight to the mark.

And if she had said pointblank, No, I don't think I screamed, mamma would have asked, Why under heaven didn't you scream? and all this would have meant stopping for a long explanation right there, just when there was so much else to think about, and mamma almost bursting a blood-vessel as it was. Still, she wished now that it had all been started differently.

While Erwin had done little or no damage, probably owing to distance, Blaine's discharge was pointblank and deadly. Meantime in some way the German managed to loosen one arm. Recklessly he seized hold of one the controls, wrenching it violently. "You will, will you?" exclaimed the American, "We must get away from here at any rate!"

But by the common impulse of military training, no less than in answer to the whistle's call, in face of the withering fire they dropped to earth at the base of the knoll, where Hugo threw himself down at full length in his place in line next to Peterkin. "Fire pointblank at the crest in front of you! I saw a couple of men standing up there!" called Fracasse. "Fire fast!