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Christianity has nothing to fear, but everything to gain, from the development of all the branches of human knowledge. Its source being Spiritual and Eternal, why should opposition be presented to any development of the lower realities in science, Biblical criticism, history, and philosophy? This lesson is not yet learned, and Eucken pleads for its acknowledgment.

But he has a friend who loves me, and honourably, and whose cause he pleads. I think here that I have some means to control or persuade him. If not ah, he is of a character that perplexes me in all but his worldly ambition; and how can we foreigners influence him through THAT?" "Is he poor, or is he extravagant?" "Not extravagant, and not positively poor, but dependent."

Beryl so much depends on the impression you make upon him, that you must guard your manner against haughtiness. Try to be patient, my daughter, and if he should seem harsh, do not resent his words. He is old now, and proud and bitter, but he once had a tender love for me. I was his idol, and when my child pleads, he will relent." Mrs.

It is sweet to know we have a Brother indeed who always pleads, and never pleads in vain for the offending child; a Father whose chastisements are not withheld, but administered in tender love; judgment being his strange work, and mercy that wherein he delights, and the peaceable fruits of righteousness the end of his corrections.

He pleads as if he were pleading for his life, with tears, and pathetic gestures, and burning words; and he soon finds with delight, not perhaps wholly unmixed with the alloy of human infirmity, that his rude eloquence rouses and melts hearers who sleep very composedly while the rector preaches on the apostolical succession.

"I trust you are mistaken, Madame, for it would grieve me very much, more indeed than I can express to cause him pain." "I hope you will change, ma chere; woman is fickle; and when he pleads, as I am sure he can, you will not look on his handsome face unmoved." "He has made a conquest of you, chere madame," said Vaura, gravely kissing her on both cheeks in adieu. "Oui, ma chere, but, for you."

It must be obvious, again, that every man's devotion, in these silent meetings, is made, as it ought to be, to depend upon himself; for no man can work out the salvation of another for him. A man does not depend at these times on the words of a minister, or of any other person present; but his own soul, worked upon by the divine influence, pleads in silence with the Almighty its own cause.

After one of those sweet interviews with Roderigo, his, what we must call conscience, takes him to account for his company; and he pleads to it in his own justification For I mine own gained knowledge should profane Were I to waste myself with such a snipe But for my sport and profit.

"All that has past between us, the vows I have offered you of faith, constancy and affection, the consent I obtained from you to be legally mine, the bond of settlement I have had drawn up, and the high honour you conferred upon me in suffering me to lead you to the altar, all these particulars are already known to so many, that the least reflection must convince you they will soon be concealed from none: tell me, then, if your own fame pleads not for me, and if the scruples which lead you to refuse, by taking another direction, will not, with much more propriety, urge, nay enjoin you to accept me!

'I oh, your lovely hat! Put it down, Archie, darlin'. Put it down! "Archibald had been doin' a little cruisin' on his own hook, and he'd dug up Mike's shiny beaver where it had been dropped in the hall. Now he was dancin' round with it, bangin' it on the top as if it was a drum. "'Put it down, PLEASE! pleads Margaret. 'Twas plain that that plug was a crown of glory to her.