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Christ also is made the mediator of that covenant, and therefore an Advocate by that; for his priestly office and advocateship are included by his mediation; wherefore when Satan pleads by the old, Christ pleads by the new covenant, for the sake of which the old one is removed. "In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old.

Miss Harvey," he cries, looking up into the face of the trembling girl, who has hastened in at sound of the excitement in his voice, "Miss Harvey, think of it; 'twas no Apache who shot him, 'twas a worse savage, his own uncle." "Promise me mother shall not know," pleads poor Wing, striving to rise upon his elbow, striving to restrain the lieutenant, who again has started to his feet.

In a few moments, he was entertaining them with his tirades against conventional institutions. "Conventionality," he exclaimed; "I'd sooner have the honest vice of the man who pleads guilty; I'd a thousand times sooner defend his case, than urge for a woman who just holds on to the virtue of conventionality with the tips of her fingers." "You gave that lady a bad time the other day, Mr.

Wild, he asserted, had robbed him of a large sum of money, and till it was restored he would never plead. "We'll see that," replied Jonathan. "Take him to the bilbowes. Put him in the stocks, and there let him sleep off his drunken fit. Whether he pleads or not, he shall swing with his confederate, Jack Sheppard." At this allusion to his leader, a shudder passed through Blueskin's athletic frame.

Every thing that is right or natural pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, 'TIS TIME TO PART. Even the distance at which the Almighty hath placed England and America, is a strong and natural proof, that the authority of the one, over the other, was never the design of Heaven.

Another critic pleads for his discontent that it had in it a noble side, like that of Faust, and that his harsh judgments of eminent men were based on the belief that they had allowed meaner to triumph over higher impulses, or influences of society to injure their moral fibre. This plea, however, fails to cover the whole case.

Morning brings a change of feeling. The existent condition invariably pleads for itself. It is only at odd moments that we get glimpses of the misery of things. The heart understands when it is confronted with contrasts. Take them away and the ache subsides. Carrie went on, leading much this same life for six months thereafter or more. She did not see Ames any more.

Tertullian pleads earnestly that these accusations were false: "if you cannot do it, you ought not to believe it of others. Yet, when Tertullian became a Montanist, he declared that these very crimes were committed at the Agapae, so that he spoke falsely either in the one case or in the other.

An advocate is as one of our attorneys, at least in the general, who pleads according to law and justice for one or other that is in trouble by reason of some miscarriage, or of the naughty temper of some that are about him, who trouble and vex, and labour to bring him into danger of the law.

As Christ, as Advocate, pleads for us, against Satan, his Father's interest in us and his own; so he pleadeth against him that right and property that he hath in heaven, to give it to whom he will. Christ's will is the will of heaven, the will of God. Shall not Christ, then, prevail? "I will," saith Christ; "I will," saith Satan; but whose will shall stand?