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Patiently God pleads with the evil-doers, lavishes gifts and warnings upon them. He holds back the inevitable avenging as long as restoration is yet possible and His eye and heart see it to be possible long after men conclude that the corruption is hopeless.

To you and to me this Thought speaks and pleads, wherever we are, whoever we are, weakening our will when we do wrong, strengthening our weakness when we would do right. And while we hear it and listen to it we are indeed as gods are, knowing good from evil.

But King James urged him to make no defence, "to trust his honor and his safety to the crown.... He pleads guilty to carelessness, not to crime." He desired to live to finish up his philosophical works. To resist the king's wishes was to leave himself at the mercy of his life-long enemy, Coke; he yielded. The king remitted his fine of £40,000 and released him from the Tower.

How Tita pleads her Cause with Margaret; and how Margaret rebukes her; and how Steps are heard, and Tita seeks Seclusion behind a Japanese Screen; and what comes of it How Tita wages War with Margaret and Maurice; and how Margaret suffers ignominious Treatment on both Hands; and how Maurice at the last gains one small Victory

How much more will our Father let our Lord Jesus have his mind and will in this, since he also is as willing to have it so as is the Son himself. Why this is the case, the resolution of our Intercessor is, that we be preserved to glory; yea, and this resolution he pleads in his intercession: 'Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, &c.

A tolerable quantum, methinks! Bless me! why it is worse than our modern English plays! The first act informed me, that a court martial is to be held on a Count Vatron, who had drawn his sword on the Colonel, his brother-in-law. The officers plead in his behalf in vain! His wife, the Colonel's sister, pleads with most tempestuous agonies in vain!

No, no; Christ will have it otherwise, he is the great donator, 8 and his eye is good. True, Satan was turned out of heaven for that he sinned there, and we must be taken into heaven, though we have sinned here; this is the will of Christ, and, as Advocate, he pleads it against the face and accusation of our adversary.

'See, I exclaimed, 'see thy daughter; see, she stretches her hands to thee she pleads for her mother! At that sight thy brow became dark, the demon seized upon thee again. I fell senseless to the ground, and when I recovered thou wert gone.

And Lisa in her reclining chair said, lost in thought, "Even when they go and leave us they have something that pleads for help, as if they were trying to tell us: help me against myself." "Qui? monsieur Boris?" asked Madame Bonnechose. "No," replied Lisa, "Katakasianopulos." "Ah, ma chère, maintenant il ne s'agit pas de monsieur de Katakasianopulos," said Madame Bonnechose with vexation.

The one who pleads for the scientific imagination points out that Edison has been called the American Wizard. All honor to Edison and his kind. And I admit specifically that Edison took the first great mechanical step to give us the practical kinetoscope and make it possible that the photographs, even of inanimate objects thrown upon the mirror-screen, may become celestial actors.