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Updated: August 24, 2024

What I want to know is, how this rascal manages to make anything out of the political pickings of a town like Leith." "Well, Job ain't exactly a rascal, Mr. Crewe. He's got a good many of them hill farmers in a position of of gratitude. Enough to control the Republican caucus." "Do you mean he buys their votes?" demanded Mr. Crewe. "It's like this," explained Mr.

R.N. Booverman, the Treasurer, and Theobald Pickings, the unenvied Secretary of an unenvied hoard, arrived at the first tee at precisely ten o'clock on a certain favorable morning in early August to begin the thirty-six holes which six times a week, six months of the year, they played together as sympathetic and well-matched adversaries.

Bulmer fulfilled it without boggling over inconvenient scruples, perhaps; and there was the worst that could with equity be said of him. An impoverished gentleman must live somehow, and, deuce take it! there must be rather pretty pickings among the broken meats of an Ormskirk. To this effect de Soyecourt moralized one evening as the two sat over their wine. John Bulmer candidly assented.

Anyhow, I got the bundle all right, all right. I wonder what the little fossil wants with it." "The Doc's glasses was broke," said Max, evidently to the mayor of Reuton. "Um-m," came Cargan's voice. "Bland, how much do you make working for this nice kind gentleman, Mr. Hayden?" "Oh, about two thousand a year, with pickings," replied Bland. "Yes?" went on Mr. Cargan.

The twilight was already settling; within the shanty, whose dirty, small-paned windows served only to indicate the lesser darkness without, a wall lamp, set in a dull reflector, threw shadows into the corners. "You're, coming up with me, ain't you?" said Peterson. "I don't believe you'll get much to eat. Supper's just the pickings from dinner." "Well, the dinner was all right.

Freights were short for, with the ports of France and Spain both closed, there was little enough doing; so the owners agreed to let me drop trading and make straight for Gibraltar, so as to be ready to put out as soon as we get the declaration of war. "There ought to be some first-rate pickings, along the coast.

"Hike over and get the haughty new war-bag, and we'll hit the sod. I've got to be in camp by dinner-time." A mile out Pink looked down at his festal garments and smiled. "I expect I'll be pickings for your Happy Family when they see me in these war-togs," he remarked. Chip turned and regarded him meditatively for a minute.

Pickings drew out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. "It may come all at once," he said faintly. This mild hope only infuriated Booverman. He had already teed his ball for the second hole, which was poised on a rolling hill one hundred and thirty-five yards away. It is considered rather easy as golf-holes go.

That scares me, and you may know it if it's any good to you. I won't ask you what scared you into this infernal hole, where you seem to have found pretty pickings. That's your luck and this is mine the privilege to beg for the favour of being shot quickly, or else kicked out to go free and starve in my own way. . . ."

Then off again before sunrise in the cool amid the shouting and confusion of a breaking camp, with truant ponies to be hunted, and everybody yelling for his right of road, and the elephants sauntering urbanely through it all with trunks alert for pickings from the hay-carts. They were nights and days superbly gorgeous, all-entertaining, affluent of humor.

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