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It must be acknowledged, however, that in spite of Scotch Peg being Scotch Peg, the best company in Paris attended her saloons; she had a natural aptitude for affairs which always provided her with more money than those who laughed at her, and she was never known to desert a friend in distress. She was the aunt and guardian of Mademoiselle Francezka Capello.

"I won't indade I won't. I am sure it was very nice of ye to want to marry me " "I beg you " he interrupted, stopping her with a gesture. "Are you goin' back to London to-day?" "By the afternoon express." "May I go with you?" "Certainly." "Thank ye," cried Peg. "I won't kape ye long. I've not much to take with me. Just what I brought here that's all." She hurried across the room to the staircase.

Well, the race has come up a peg, I'll say that for it." Mrs. Conrad was ready first. She was very rapid, in a quiet, unhurried fashion. In her corduroy skirt and jacket, she looked very girlish. Polly mentally took five years off her estimate of her new acquaintance's age. "Awfully natural looking woman, too," she commented, silently.

"I'm a thief, sure!" replied Peg with a little laugh. "You're the the sweetest dearest " he suddenly checked himself. His mother had come across to say "Good night" to Peg. In a few moments his sisters joined them. They all pressed invitations on Peg to call on them at "Noel's Folly" and with Mrs. Chichester's permission, to stay some days.

There's a kind of rocket that would take a rope over lifesavers use 'em and then you could hoist a rope ladder and peg it down at the bottom and make it tight with guy ropes on the other side. I'm going to climb that there bluff, and I've got it all planned out." Fritz asked what he expected to find when he got up there.

The elder girl's rather bold blue eyes seemed to take stock of the younger one; then she said, with a note of greater friendliness: "Oh, well, come on. You can sit next to me if you like." Faith took courage. "What is your name?" she asked diffidently. The elder girl laughed. "They call me Peg," she said, and with sudden impulse she held out her work-roughened hand.

He laid his case of instruments on the desk, hung his cloak and hat to a peg in the closet, and ascended the staircase on the way to his bedroom. As he passed his mother's open door she heard his step. "Why, it's broad daylight, son," she called in a voice ending in a yawn. "Yes, mother." "Where have you been?" "To see little Tod Fogarty," he answered simply. "What's the matter with him?"

They do like to think that women can do things better than men; and if we can let it leak out and get around in the papers that the managers of 'Every Other Week' couldn't stir a peg in the line of the illustrations they wanted till they got a lot of God-gifted girls to help them, it 'll make the fortune of the thing. See?"

"But supposing they did come," said Bob; "Peg and Spanish Joe, and that other treacherous cowboy you told me about; we're pretty apt to meet up with them if we go prowling around here for the next few days."

One represented Riel, another his Satanic Majesty, while the third was supposed to indicate myself. He moved these three pegs about-very much after the fashion of a thimble-rigger; and I seemed to have, through my peg, about as bad a time of it as the pea under the thimble usually experiences.