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"Down with Jim Crow!" That night, under the stars, Keineth snuggled close to Peggy. She had asked to be Peggy's blanket mate. "You're all right, Peg," she whispered, Billy-fashion, "and I do love you most of all!" "Sport's Week" had begun at the Shore Club. The excitement of it gripped the Lee family. Each talked of the game in which he or she was most interested and no one listened to the other.

Whon ey last seet him, he threatened t' raddle me booans weel, boh ey sooan lowert him a peg." "We will find a way of making him speak," said the abbot.

Captain Morrison told him, you know, that I hadn't done a peg of study for a year, and it brought on a scene that almost shook the roof. Now he swears I'm to go to the university next fall or hang." "Well, I'd go, by all means." "What under heaven could I do there? All those confounded languages Morrison poured into my head haven't left so much as a single letter of the alphabet.

An' ain't I got the nattiest little shop this side of way up town?" Peg paused a moment. Then, "That you have, Lafe; you sure have," came slowly. "An' didn't I make full sixty cents yesterday?" "You did, Lafe; you sure did." "An' sixty cents is better'n nothin', ain't it, Peg?" Mrs. Grandoken arose hastily. "Course 'tis, Lafe! But don't brag 'cause you made sixty cents.

"You're good 'nough for me and Happy Pete," she asserted, "and Lafe'll let you be his little boy too." The blind child gasped, and the girl continued assuringly, "Peg'll love you, too. She couldn't help it." "Peg?" queried Bobbie. "Oh, she's Lafe's wife. Happy Pete and me stay in her house." The blind eyes flashed with sudden hope. "Mebbe she'll love me a little! Will she?" "I hope so.

Chichester, ignoring the outstretched hand, stopped her peremptorily: "Go with him!" and she pointed up the stairs, on the first landing of which stood the portly Jarvis waiting to conduct Peg out of the family's sight. Peg dropped a little curtsey to Mrs.

Jim and I touched our hats and said good-bye to Starlight and the other two, who went away to the crack hotel. We went and made a camp down by the creek, so that we might turn to and peg out a claim, or buy out a couple of shares, first thing in the morning.

So we-uns bided thar till HE went inter the smoke-house. An' then ez we-uns kem by the shed, Pig-wigs seen his uncle Nate's coat hangin' on a peg thar, 'kase that thar triflin' Tim hed furgot, an' lef' it thar when he went ter see the deedies.

The articles chosen for special display were such as lent themselves, first, to his formula for illustration, and next to captions which thrilled with the sensations of crime, mystery, envy of the rich and conspicuous, or lechery, half concealed or unconcealed. For facts as such he cared nothing. His conception of news was as a peg upon which to hang a sensation.

Chichester's voice broke the silence: "You must take my daughter as your model in all things." Peg looked at Ethel and all her anger vanished temporarily. The idea of taking that young lady as a model appealed to her as being irresistibly amusing. She smiled broadly at Ethel. Mrs. Chichester went on: "Everything my daughter does you must try and imitate. You could not have a better example.