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The next night I shall rub it dry with a towel, and put it up in the cheese-room. Now comes the tug-o'-war! I have to watch them close to keep the flies out." The forerunners of autumn had already touched the hillsides, and my thoughts were turning homeward, when one Saturday morning Mr. Wetherell came in and said: "Miss Douglass, don't you want to ride up to the paster?

Well I rocked Tommy and sung to him: "Sweet fields beyend the swellin' flood." And them sweet fields in my mind wuz our own orchard and paster, and the swellin' flood I thought on wuzn't death's billers, but the waters that rolled between California and Jonesville. Not one word had I hearn from my pardner sence leavin' New York. "Oh, dear Josiah! When shall I see thee agin?"

"Yes, indeed!" sez he, and after a minute's thought he added, "Others can foller suit and set them that are dearest to 'em out-doors. If I live till another spring, Samantha," sez he firmly, "I will set you out in the paster. The dooryard would be too small to do justice to you. Ury and I will plant you in the middle of the ten acre lot."

"And the old well-sweep a-pintin' up into the sky overhead, as if a-callin' Heaven to witness that it wuzn't to blame for the state of things "And the apple trees, with low swingin' branches, with no bare brown feet to press on 'em on the way up to the robin's nest overhead empty barns, ruins, weedy gardens, long, lonesome stretches of paster and medder lands

Jest think of a bath a mile square, big enough for thirty or forty thousand folks to bathe in at one time. It is all in ruins now, but you can see from the thick walls, tall arches, the sides covered with costly mosaic, what they wuz in their glory. Josiah thought he could make a lovely piece of mosaic from the stuns down in our paster and slate stuns.

In she came, an' ev'rythin' was changed from that minute! ...Now, I want we sh'd cut up that cake after everybody's had a chance t' see it good all but th' top layer, same's I said an' all of us have a piece, out o' compl'ment t' our paster an' his wife, an' in memory o' her, who's gone from us." "But Lyddy Orr ain't dead, Mis' Black," protested Mrs. Daggett warmly.

At the post office of Pall Mall, which is also the store of "Paster" Pile a frame building upon stilts to allow an unobstructed flow of the Wolf when on a winter rampage the road turns at right angles to the west.

And artificial grasshoppers, and crickets, and frogs, and little artificial minney fish made of metal, glass, pearl, and rubber. Why, if I had seen one of 'em in the brook that runs through our paster, I should have been tempted to have bent a pin, and take some weltin' cord out of my pocket and go to fishin' for it.

But then an educated person can pick up most any trade in a few days, well enough to get along. They'll make you a paster, at first." "How much does that pay?" "He'll offer you two fifty a week, but you must make him give you three. That's right for beginners. Then, if you stay on and work hard, you'll be raised to four after six months. The highest pay's five." "Three dollars," said Susan.