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"I was ashore at Suez we all was, owin' to a 'itch with the canal company a matter of money, I may say. They make yer pay before they'll take yer through. Do you know that?" I nodded. "Suez is a place," he continued, "where they don't sell whisky, only poison. Was you ever at Suez?" Again I nodded, being most anxious to avoid diverting the current of my friend's thoughts.

I was paid t'other day, and there ain't much owin' me here. I guess it'll be safer fer me ter keep movin' on, too." "You may well say that, Bute. I heard below that there was goin' to be some investigations inter this gang, and that there was more'n one feller here whose pictur was on exhibition." "That so?" said Bute, hastily.

"Will Banion and Bill Jackson has went on to Californy, Miss Molly," said he. "You know why." Mollie nodded. "Ye'd orto! Ye told him." "Yes, I did." "I know. Him an' me had a talk. Owin' you an' me all he'll ever make, he allowed to pay nothin'! Which is, admittin' he loves you, he don't take no advice, ter finish that weddin' with another man substertuted.

"Wal, it's a free country," he said at length, and evidently his personal anxieties were subjected to his sense of justice. "Owin' to the peculiar circumstances hyar at my range, I'd prefer thet Moore an' you began somewhar else. Thet's natural. But you've my good will to start on an' I hope I've yours." "Belllounds, you've every man's good will," replied Wade.

I was dishin' up dinner, feelin' as nervous as a witch, for a whole batch of bread had burnt to a cinder while I was trimmin' a new bunnet, Wash had scart me most to death swallerin' a cent, and the steak had been on the floor more'n once, owin' to my havin' babies, dogs, cats, or hens under my feet the whole blessed time.

"I'm on sick leave," said John. "Can't help that. The 6:30 p.m. passenger train must be drove, and there's nobody left but you to drive it. Jones is away with a goods train owin' to Maxwell having sprained his ankle, and Long Thompson is down with small-pox, so you'll have to do it.

You'll excuse me now, ma'am," he added, pulling out and consulting the ponderous chronometer with which the company supplied him, "I must go now, havin' to take charge o' the 6:30 p.m. train, it ain't my usual train, but I'm obleeged to take it to-night owin' to one of our drivers havin' come by an accident. Evenin', ma'am."

Seems that Bob Grand owed him several thousand dollars. He had owed it for more 'n two years. Some deal in connection with the show. You remember Brad was froze out soon after his wife left the aggregation in '75. He says Grand bulldozed him into duckin' the I mean, leavin' the show, all the time owin' him the long green.

Never knows it to fail; an' I allows, as a s'lootion that a-way, it's owin' to the sooperior merits of our nose-paint. It's a compliment they pays us. "However, this Red Dog gent's drinkin' is his own affairs. An' his earnestness about licker may have been his system; then ag'in it may not; I don't go pryin' none to determine.

Me an' the higher education flirted for a couple of years or so, way back yonder in Austin, but owin' to certain an' sundry eccentricities of mine that was frowned on by civilization, I took to the brush an' learnt the cow business. Then after a short but onmonotonous sojourn in Las Vegas, me an' Bat came north for our health. . . . Here's Johnson's horse pasture.