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Updated: August 23, 2024

'Three halfpence outside, and twopence here, Sir, said he with an awkward grin, throwing the money on the table; 'that's the way our shepherd deglubat oves, Sir; she's brought it too soon, but no matter. It was not one o'clock, in fact. 'They will make mistakes, Sir; but you will not suffer their blunders long, I warrant, said Dangerfield, lightly.

The first library in Rome was founded 167 B. C. and in the Augustan age they multiplied, until there were twenty-nine public libraries in Hadrian's time, 120 A. D. The emperor Julian, in the fourth century, was a founder of libraries, and is said to have placed over the doors this inscription: "Alii quidem equos amant, alii oves, alii feros; mihi vero a puerulo mirandum acquirendi et possidendi libros insedit desiderium."

I can tell you she was simply delicious in Les Trois Magots." "Inter oves locum presta Et ab hædis me sequestra, Statuens in parte dextra." "So then, it is for Nanteuil's sake that he blew out his brains? A little ninny who isn't worth spanking!" The celebrant poured the wine and the water into the chance, saying: "Deus qui humanæ substantiæ dignitatem mirabiliter condidisu...."

Gerald was a stickler for correct Latin grammar; he is great on "howlers." There is one of his stories, illustrating both the avarice of the Norman prelates and the ignorance of the Welsh clergy: A Welsh priest came to his bishop and said, "I have brought your lordship a present of two hundred oves."

"Billy's mummy loves her precious boy," Lucilla murmured. "'Oves daddy, too," the child sobbed, feeling the father's touch. She smiled upon the kneeling young man. "Loves dear daddy, too," she said. It had been only a foolish flirtation just the snatching at something to fill his empty days. Everard Barett's heart had been his wife's all along.

John talked all the time to the shepherd, while Arthur talked to Aggie, and Aggie, cruel little Aggie, made remarks about the hard-heartedness of shearers. He looked long and thoughtfully at the sheep-shearing. "Boni pastoris est," he observed, "tondere oves, non deglubere." Aggie shook her pretty head, as much as to say Latin was beyond her; and he was kind enough to translate.

"She knows us, we're used to her poor old scarred face, and the youngsters, Tam and Betty, are not a bit afraid of her. In fact, Betty pats that scarred cheek and says, over and over, 'Poo Lyddy! Poo Lyddy! Betty 'oves Lyddy! and Tam he's T. A. Miles, junior, you know, and we call him Tam, from the initials, because he hates being called Junior and two Tracey's are a nuisance "

Augustus expressing a desire that the lines should be finished, and Bathyllus proving unequal to the task, Virgil at last filled up the blanks in this manner: Sic vos, non vobis, nidificatis, aves; Sic vos, non vobis, vellera fertis, oves; Sic vos, non vobis, mellificatis, apes; Sic vos, non vobis, fertis aratra, boves.

Non illum nostri possunt mutare labores; Nec si frigoribus mediis Hebrumque bibamus, Sithoniasque nives hyemis subeamus aquosae: Nec si, cum moriens alta liber aret in ulmo AEthiopum versemus oves sub sidere Cancri. Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori. Ec. x. 62.

and not think of the stately tenderness of Virgil's Stant et oves circum; nostri nee poenitet illas and the flocks of Arcady that gather round in sympathy with the lovelorn Gallus' woe? So again the well-known lines Not seldom, clad in radiant vest, Deceitfully goes forth the Morn; Not seldom Evening in the west Sinks smilingly forsworn,

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