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And these are the women my friend expects me to fall in love with! I vainly wait for tea or supper which does not come, and rush home, determined to leave alone the Urbanian beau monde. It is quite true that I have no amori, although my friend does not believe it.

They will all be cupids. There will be faithful Love, jealous Love, tender Love, vivid Love; there will be many vivid Loves. And I shall shout in the rude and sonorous language of the artisans of Pisa or of Florence: 'Tutti gli Amori per la Signora Teersinal!" The last page of this letter was tender and grave.

"That was a sweet little play upon words," Warrington remarked, with a puff "Amory Amori. It showed profound scholarship. Let us hear a bit of the rubbish." And he stretched over from his easy chair, and caught hold of Pen's manuscript with the fire-tongs, which he was just using in order to put a coal into his pipe.

The cry of the thousand splendours which Dante, in the fifth canto of the 'Paradiso, tells us he saw gliding toward them in the planet Mercury, was Ecco chi crescera li nostri amori! Lo, here comes one who will increase our loves! All the light is ours. God is all ours. Even that in God which we cannot understand is ours.

Sor Asdrubale, my landlord, poking about in slippers among the gilded chests, the Empire sofas, the old cups and saucers and pictures which no one will buy, congratulated me upon the improvement in my looks. "You work too much," he says; "youth requires amusement, theatres, promenades, amori it is time enough to be serious when one is bald" and he took off his greasy red cap.

They will all be cupids. There will be faithful Love, jealous Love, tender Love, vivid Love; there will be many vivid Loves. And I shall shout in the rude and sonorous language of the artisans of Pisa or of Florence: 'Tutti gli Amori per la Signora Teersinal!" The last page of this letter was tender and grave.

Calza has written the history of Venetian prostitution; and some of the documents he found have been reproduced by Mantegazza, Gli Amori degli Uomimi, cap.

Then he began to murmur to himself and I was barely able, by leaning over toward him, to catch the quotation. "Miserarum est neque amori dare ludem. . . ." He saw that I was listening and lapsed into English.

In April 1791, Casanova wrote to Carlo Grimani at Venice, stating that he felt he had committed a great fault in publishing his libel, 'Ne amori ne donne', and very humbly begging his pardon. Also that his Memoirs would be composed of six volumes in octavo with a seventh supplementary volume containing codicils.

Dec. 22nd, Eleven at night. I have seen her once more! almost spoken to her. I have been promised her love! Ah, Spiridion! you were right when you felt that you were not made for any earthly amori. At the usual hour I betook myself this evening to San Giovanni Decollato.

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