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To which Wilfred answered, "Like enow, for he has a queer outlandish binding on's castor." Thorncliff, however, who in his rude way seemed not absolutely insensible to the beauty of his kinswoman, appeared determined to keep us company more closely than his brothers, perhaps to watch what passed betwixt Miss Vernon and me perhaps to enjoy my expected mishaps in the chase.

Look at that gert, good man, Tregenza. Oh, my God, my blood do creem when I think on't!" The man stopped and his brother took up the story. "'Twas arterwards, when us had weathered the worst an' was tryin' to fetch home, Michael failed forward on's faace arter the bwoy was drownded; an' us had to do all for the bwoat wi'out en.

And Hogginarmo promised speedily to pay his humble homage at his august master's throne, of which he begged leave to be counted the most loyal and constant defender. Such a WARY old BIRD as King Padella was not to be caught by Master Hogginarmo's CHAFF and we shall hear presently how the tyrant treated his upstart vassal. No, no; depend on's, two such rogues do not trust one another.

Malcolm released the boy's gromet from the bucket-bail, remarking, "Catching on's the word, sir!" as he marked up a large 2 opposite the lad's name. It was funny to watch the different ones, and Huri's eyes danced with enjoyment as he ran after the wilder tosses with swift feet. Timid Mrs.

Franks was silent for a moment, thinking. "I understand you, sir," he said. "But I think I knows trades as makes a deal o' money, an' them they makes it out on's the worse an' not the better. It's better to stand on a fellow's own head than to sell gin; an' I 'most think it's as good as the fire-work trade." "You are quite right: there's not a doubt of it," answered Mr. Christopher.

Then in even propounded him if any of the church of other had to object they might speak. Then took the Church's Vote, then call'd him up to the Pulpit, laid his Hand on's head, and said I ordain Thee, etc., etc., gave him his charge, then Prayed & sung 2nd Part of 84th Psalm."

"I shan't forget that," said Pelle quietly. Lasse was holding a folded shirt in his hand. "The one you've got on's just been washed," he said reflectively. "But one can't tell. Two shirts'll almost be too little if you're away, won't they? You must take one of mine; I can always manage to get another by the time I want a change. And remember, you must never go longer than a fortnight!

Whan Glenwarlock's at the tither en', we'll set tu thegither an' be up wi' him afore he's had time to put a fresh edge on's scythe. Come, Aggie! I hae lang been thinkin' lang to hae a word wi' ye. Ye left me or I kent whaur I was the ither nicht." "My time's no my ain," answered Aggie. "Whause is 't than?" "While's it's the laird's, an' while's it's my father's, an' noo it's his lordship's."

Better come home wiz me yes, by Harry, thass the trick, you'll come home an' hassome supper hic wiz me! Awful lonesome nobody home! Guv'ner gone abroad Bubby on's honeymoon Polly havin' twins every damn soul gone away! Nuff hic nuff to drive a feller to drink, I say! Only ole Ham standin' by, passin' plates damfican eat like that, no sir! The club for me every time, my boy, I say.

Yet spake the word that warrior hoar, the young men's hearts he cheered, Bad the good comrades forward go, nor ever be afeard. No longer could he firmly stand on's feet; to heaven looked he "Thanks, Lord of hosts, for these world-joys Thou here didst give to me.