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"But the chewels will be welcome, my fat burglar friend." "You shall know him. Goot night, motame. You are a tidbit for ein king; but I am only a poor banker more dan sixty year olt, and you hafe made me feel vat power the voman I lofe hafe ofer me since your difine beauty hafe not make me forget her." "Vell, dat is ver' pretty vat you say," replied the Englishwoman.

I vent in to see anodder man and he said, "I haf an olt friend dot I buy from," and vat archument could I make against dot? I vent in to see still anodder, and he said, "I haf just bought," so, vat archument could I make against dot? The next man I vent to see said, "Mein Gott, man; don'd you suppose I am going to rest von day in de year?

Ve got to sell sometings, and maybe now ve don't vant dem images. And so I buy dem two and some olt vestments dat my Masie make so good as new, vid patches. Now, vot can I do vid dis ?" Again the door was burst open, shutting off all possibility for conversation. Bobby's voice had now reached the volume of a fog-horn. "What do ye take us fur out here lobsters? Dad and I can't wait all day.

Later in the day, as Ishmael and his shadow, the professor, were standing leaning over the bulwarks of the ship and watching the setting sun sink into the water, leaving a trail of light upon the surface of the sea, he heard a familiar voice exclaim: "Fader Abraham! Tere ish tat yunk shentleman ant hish olt man again!" And Ishmael turned and saw the German Jew standing near him.

“What did I? I spent my last money in purchasing a rifle, clad myself in a coarse garb, and learned to be a hunter by the side of Leather- Stocking. You know the rest, Judge Temple“Ant vere vas olt Fritz Hartmannsaid the German, reproachfully; “didst never hear a name as of olt Fritz Hartmann from ter mout of ter fader, lat

I showed him my line but he said tome, 'Your styles are all right but your prices are too high. Vy, here is a hat you ask me twelf tollars for. Vy, I buy 'em from my olt house for eleven feefty. You cannot expect me to buy goods from you ven you ask me more than odders.

His face looked like a full moon shining through a cloud. I could see that there was trouble on his mind. "'Well, Henry, how goes it? said I. "'Id don't go so goot, said he. 'But vat can a man expect on Danksgifing? I vent to see von man and he said, "I haf an olt house dat alvays dreats me right, so vat's de use of chanching?" Vell, vat archument could I make against dot?

"'Who has dreated you, may I ask, Meester Boblin? "'Doctor Stuffen, at Fizzenbad. "'Ah, yes, a fery goot man, but a leedle de times behindt. Vat did you eat? "I handed him the list. "'No vonder dot you are thin, my frent yoost as I oxpected dis ees de olt deory of broteids. Dot is all oxbloded now. Eef you haf stay anuder mont you vould be dead.

"Ant ze sergeant says, 'You is one poor man, ant I will not take your money, pot I will help you. Ven I go to sleep, puy one pail of pranty for ze Soldaten, ant zey will sleep. Me will not look after you. Sis was one goot man. I puyet ze pail of pranty, ant ven ze Soldaten was trunken me tresset in one olt coat, ant gang in silence out of ze doon.

"But what has it all to do with your name? I declare I don't know what to call you." "Call her your own pard, old Tuncan MacPhail, my sweet laty, and haf ta patience with her, and she'll pe telling you aall apout eferyting, only you must gif her olt prams time to tumple temselfs apout. Her head grows fery stupid.