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Updated: August 6, 2024

"My name is Peregrine;" said I, "indeed, I would rather you called me Perry, it is shorter." "As Mr. Perry, here " "Perry!" I admonished. "As Perry is their own nevvy " "Though he don't look like it!" added Diana. "Why, that's true, Ann, that's true; but his clothes can be changed " "But his face can't, Jess!" "Lord bless me, Ann, what's wrong wi' his face?"

The very shortness of the road between Bristol and Bath apparently offered an insuperable obstacle to the passage of Simmonds's car along it, and some unknown "chap," whose "nevvy" had married the sister of a Beckhampton housemaid, became the predominating factor in a situation that affected the fortunes of several notable people. For his part, Lord Fairholme gave no further thought to Marigny.

How we follered 'em when they got off the bus, and 'ave been looking for 'em ever since. I'm not going to 'ave my 'oliday spoilt by a teetotal nevvy, I can tell you." He started on Peter, wot was sitting on his bed with Ginger waiting for them, the moment he got inside, and all Ginger and Peter could say didn't make any difference. "Mr. Small see you as plain as what I did," he ses.

I'd take 'e in for another bottle and wan for my nevvy; but I reckon yeou'm shart-allowanced for rum. That's nivver no Navy rum yeou'm give me. Knowed 'ee by the smack tu un. Anchor now!" I was between Pyecroft and Moorshed on the bridge, and heard them spring to vibrating attention at my side.

My nevvy, he likes 'em; but I do cherish more on fine drink than filthy lucre any day o' God's good weeks. Leave goo my arm, yeou common sailorman! I tall 'ee, gentlemen, I hain't the ram-faced, ruddle-nosed old fule yeou reckon I be. Before the mast I've fared in my time; fisherman I've been since I seed the unsense of sea-dangerin'. Baccy and spirits yiss, an' cigars too, I've run a plenty.

To have gone out to those men would have been certain death for you, and your mother did the best thing that could have been done. To be a patriot demands a great deal of us. To die is a small matter, but how we die is much. Your work is not finished. Until it is, nevvy, your life is not yours to lose needlessly. It belongs to the country.

"Uncle Bob, what'll they do to you?" "Well, I reckon the squire'll feel obliged to do one of two things. He'll either fine me or else he won't." "What'll you do if he fines you?" "Why, pay the fine, Nevvy and then lick Dave Blount again for stirring up trouble. That's the way we most in general do. I mean to say give him a good licking, and that'll make him stop his foolishness."

"Why, that was only five miles from us, father. 'Twill be our turn next." "Now don't go to looking for trouble, Mary," chided her husband. "You women-folks go right into the meeting-house, and whatever you do, be cheerful. Nevvy and I will come in presently." The church was partly filled with sad-eyed, patient-faced women, whose quiet demeanor was more heartrending than tears would have been.

David held the minister at arm's-length, and meanwhile rumours reached him that 'Reuben Grieve's nevvy' was beginning to be much seen in the public-houses; he had ceased entirely to go to chapel or Sunday school; and the local gossips, starting perhaps from a natural prejudice against the sons of unknown and probably disreputable mothers, prophesied freely that the tall, queer-looking lad would go to the bad.

As the buggy came nearer he recognized his ancient enemy in the person of the man who sat at Hannibal's side, and stepping nimbly into the road seized the horses by their bits. At sight of him Hannibal shrieked his name in an ecstasy of delight. "Uncle Bob Uncle Bob " he, cried. "Yes, it's Uncle Bob. You can light down, Nevvy. I reckon you've rid far enough," said Yancy pleasantly.

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