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Updated: August 23, 2024

All at once she sprang half up: "I tell you de Lawd neveh gi'n no niggeh de rights to snuggle down anywhuz an' fo'git de auction-block!" As suddenly the outbreak passed, yet as she settled down again her exaltation still showed through her fond smile. "You know what dat inqui'ance o' yone bring to my 'memb'ance? Dass ow ole Canaan hymn

"I neveh 'cused him of it," replied Mose sulkily. "A hossman wouldn't have wanted his adversary to write a book. If he'd said make a book, now ... but the best way to get square with an adversary is to have him start a hoss in the same race with you, Mose." "I'll take yo' word faw it, boss," said Mose.

The jockey sat up, yawning and knuckling his eyes. "Solomon must have had at least one little black boy," said the old man. "'Love not sleep lest thou come to poverty. Hurry up, Mose!" "Yes, suh," mumbled the drowsy youngster. "Reckon Sol'mun neveh had to gallop a string an' ride 'em too. I sutny earns whut I gits when I git it."

I dropped an interrogative hint as to how March stood with Ravenel. The Captain smiled. "They neveh cla-ash. Ravenel's the same mystery he always was, but not the same poweh; his losin' Garnet the way he did, and then John bein' so totally diffe'nt, you know John don't ofm ask Jeff-Jack to do anything, but he neveh aasks in vaain. John's motheh? Yes, she still lives with him.

In 'e stretch I tries to come th'oo on inside, an' two of 'em Irish jocks pulls oveh to 'e rail and puts us in a pocket. 'Niggeh, they say to me, 'take 'at oat hound home 'e long way; you sutny neveh git him th'oo! They was right, boss! 'Lijah, he come fourth, sewed up like a eagle in a cage!" "H'm-m. And the judges didn't pay any attention when you claimed a foul?"

"Lawd, honey, Johanna done tole me how you growin' to favo' my sweet Miss Rose, an' I see it at de fun'l when I can't much mo'n speak to you, an' cry so I cayn't hardly see you; but Lawd! my sweet baby, dough you cayn't neveh supersede her in good looks, you jess as quiet an' beautiful as de sweet-potateh floweh! "Howdy, Miss Fannie?" She gave her hand and courtesied.

With a tremendous sigh of relief, Frank seized the mighty weapon and laid it on his knee and buried his big white teeth in half a melon. "Mah golly!" he muttered, when he had swallowed the huge mouthful and had wiped his lips and chin with the back of his hand, "Ah neveh 'spected to see dis yeh felleh again. No, sah!" And he tapped the cleaver lovingly.

Cayn't yo' see? It's your own books, an' hit's fo' my work. I neveh knowed how good men could be, an' they give me that boat fo' a mission boat. Now now missy I cayn't tell yo' I've no words " And with gratitude, with the simplicity of a mountain parson, he dropped on his knees and thanked God. As he told his humility, Prebol wakened from a deep and restful sleep to listen in amazement.

Let him do it; 'tain't early speed whut wins a mile race; it's late speed. Ain't no money hung up on that ol' half-mile pole! Let that white fool run his head off; he'll come back to you. Lawdy, all them front runners comes back to the reg'lar hosses. Run the same like you allus do, an' eat 'em up in the stretch, 'Lisha! Grey Ghost pooh! I neveh seen his name on no lamp-post!

Yes, and there, high in the clouds of rigging, no longer a vague pink flutter now, but brightly red-white-and-blue and smilingly angry what a strange home-coming for it! ah, what a strange home-coming after a scant year-and-a-half of banishment! the flag of the Union, rippling from every peak. "Ain' dey neveh gwine shoot?" asked a negro lad.

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