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"Was you sayin'," my father quietly persisted, "t' fetch her aboard?" I knew my father for a man of temper; and, now, I wondered that his patience lasted. "Damme!" the doctor burst out. "Think I'm going ashore in this weather? If you want me to see her now, go fetch her aboard." My father coughed then fingered the neck-band of his shirt.

Twice Westcott struck, his clenched fist bringing blood, but Lacy clung to him, one hand twisted in his neck-band, the other viciously forcing back his head. Unable to release the grip, Westcott gave back, bending until his adversary was beyond balance; then, suddenly straightening, hurled the fellow sidewise. But by now Beaton, dazed and confused, was upon his feet.

She was choking; I could see her face turn blue; I was in the greatest distress. I took off her neck-band, unlaced her stays under the abbe's dress, I threw cold water in her face, and I finally succeeded in bringing her back to consciousness. The night was extremely cold, and there was no fire in my room. I advised her to get into my bed, promising to respect her.

Suddenly he became aware that some one had jerked his revolver from its holster, and, almost at the same instant a hard hand gripped the neck-band of his shirt and tore him loose from Beaton. "Here, now enough of that, Jim," said a voice sternly, and his hands arose instinctively as he recognised the gleam of two drawn weapons fronting him. "Help Beaton up, Joe. Now, look yere, Mr.

Is it not rather your street-pavement's patter of raindrops, incessantly in motion, and as fruitful? Mr. Semhians appeals to Delphica. 'Genius you have, says she, stiffening his neck-band, 'genius in superabundance': he throttles to the complexion of the peony: 'perhaps criticism is wanting. Dr.

"Leggo!" he gurgled. For answer Bertha took another twist around the stout neck-band of his orange undergarment. "I'll learn you rough-necks some manners!" she panted. "I'll git the respect that's comin' to a lady if I have to clean out this here camp!" "You quit, now!" He rolled a pair of wild, beseeching eyes around the table. "Somebudy take her off!" "Coward to fight a woman!"

He was at this time living in an apartment in the house of the Ranucci, next door to a half-ruined palace of the Ghislieri. One night he awoke from sleep, and found that the neck-band of his shirt had become entangled with the cord by which he kept his precious emerald and a written charm suspended round his neck.

Hastily she snatched them up, and thrust all three inside her gingham waist, dropping them in with a wrench at the neck-band. "Ugh! how they squirm," she cried, softly. Then, creeping to the water's edge, she dived in neatly as any trout could have done it and disappeared. One who did not know Bess Thornton might well have been alarmed now, for the child seemed to be lost.

"'O, the orphan boy stood on the hill, The wind blew cold and very chill " Glancing at his auditors, he was a trifle abashed to observe a glaze upon the eyes of Mr. Parker, while a purple tide rose above his neck-band and unnaturally distended his throat and temples. With a placative little laugh, Mr.

If you had glanced at these birds carelessly, you might have thought they were all of one kind; but they were not. The smallest was the Bank Swallow, a sober-hued little fellow, with a short, sharp-pointed tail, his back feathers looking like a dusty brown cloak, fastened in front by a neck-band between his light throat and breast.