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The bright veil which wrapped them was drawn away, and they stood in the silent, gathering dusk. He tried to loosen his neck-band; it seemed to be choking him. "I I can't I don't comprehend it. I am trying to realize what it " "It means nothing," she answered. "There was an editorial, yesterday," he said, "an editorial that I thought was about Rodney McCune. Did you write it?" "Yes."

"I tell you, Henry," pleaded Jerome, struggling with him to loosen his neck-band, "you shall not have the doctor; I'll doctor you myself." "You don't know how you don't know how, J'rome! She'll say you don't know how; she'll send for him, an' then, when he's got all my land, how am I goin' to get them a livin'?"

That was her mistake letting the thing start when it could have no seemly ending ... a boy like that, nearly young enough to be her son ... and yet she had been unable to deny him, she had let him kiss her and court her make love to her.... Worse than that, she had made love to him, thrown herself at him, pursued him with her love, refused to let him go ... and all the other things she had done changing for his sake from her decent ways ... breaking the Sabbath, taking off her neck-band.

"And, so far as I know," she proceeded with increasing sarcasm, "the man who inspired my noble life was not in any way particularly addicted to the use of alcoholic beverages!" As though her collar was suddenly too tight she rammed her finger down between her stiff white neck-band and her soft white throat. "He was a New York doctor!" she hastened somewhat airily to explain. "Gee!

She was looking at him very reproachfully, a moment later, when her eyes became suddenly fixed to the neck of his blouse, and filled with tears. She began to cry softly. "Why, Phyllis." Phyllis was giving way, and, thereupon, with her own mother and Basil's mother looking on, and to Basil's blushing consternation, she darted for his neck-band and kissed him on the throat.